Two New Columns & a New Concept!
We now officially have Two New Columns and a Totally New Concept on
The World According to Feck
I’m VERY excited in welcoming The World According to Feck by written by R.R. Hubbard (Feck). He is one of the best tobacco historical writers I’ve ever read. Not just because of the depth of his facts or that he manually translates Swedish books to English, but how he makes tobacco history relevant to what is going on in the Snus and Tobacco world today…..and they are great reads too! His column is not limited to history, but I’m amazed how much I’ve learned just from his first two articles. His column fills an important hole for us all at SnusCENTRAL in an interesting and exciting style. Thank you Feck for sharing your gift with all of us!
Smoking in the Ladies Room
Smoking in the Ladies Room is a brand new concept and one I think is generally missing internet wide (because men can be stupid some times). Mrs. Mick/Ms. Catherine/Catherine DeMarsh-Hellwig “hijacked” Big Mick’s column back in November and wrote the outstanding “Mrs. Mick on Fellinni Snus, Greyhound Buses…..and cigarettes“. I knew two things at this point: we deserved to have more of her articles to read and I didn’t want them buried in Mick’s column. Mick got her drunk and she agreed!
Her only concern was that she has a very busy life outside of snus (unlike me…I don’t get out much) and wasn’t sure how regularly she could submit articles. It is a valid concern and the reason I started the Larry Waters and Friends Snus Reviews section. When a Member writes a really outstanding snus review, I ask them if I can post it there so as time goes by, it won’t get lost in ever-growing forum threads. I have a folder full of these and when things slow down enough, more of you will be hearing from me. Shorter reviews I’m trying to move over to the Snus Reviews > Member Reviews category on the main site. I have a number of those in their own special folder as well.
But I was VERY STRUCK with Mirmade/Gina’s comment on Catherine’s first article. Her P.S. really spelled it out: “PS; YES..we love ALL the authors’ epistles, but it is so awesome to hear from the snusing sisterhood!!” Both Catherine’s (now two) articles and Gina’s comments, forum posts, and emails also highlighted for me that while we all share a love of snus, there are differences in viewpoints and priorities concerning tobacco between the sexes. The Woman’s voice was not being aired publicly enough anywhere. That’s when I decided to make a gamble.
I created SMOKING IN THE LADIES ROOM to be a Group effort; a Collaborative column for the Women of SnusCENTRAL with the talent and inclination to be able to write their own articles and have them centralized in one very visible place. They could write one article or a hundred…there would be no schedule, no minimum number of articles. The only editorial guidelines would be that this section was for women authors only, that it be related to snus and tobacco, that the topic is something you find interesting enough to want to write about and I find interesting enough to publish.
We have a huge pool of talented and interesting writers of both sexes as can be seen on The Forum. With only a few exceptions, all our current columnists came to my attention by their forum posts. We talked and the rest is history.
Writing an article for Smoking in the Ladies Room is strictly voluntary and something you must want to do. Just PM me and let me know you have an idea, questions about the column, or want to talk it through.
HOWEVER,. just because someone enjoys the interaction of the forum environment does NOT mean they want or may be able to write articles. I don’t want anyone to be uncomfortable if they don’t want to write an article for The Ladies Room.
NO Pressure; just an opportunity you may or may not be interested in. Enjoy The Forum the way you do now, and if you are interesting in following Catherine’s lead, you are more than welcome….now or at any time in the future. You can even post your article on your Facebook page, twitter, etc, to impress your friends and relatives 🙂
Sincerely yours,
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