SnusCENTRAL T-Shirt & More Contest !!!!
The Members have Spoken! We take what the Members say VERY Seriously! You want SnusCENTRAL T-Shirts: You got them!
A critical part of the SnusCENTRAL Experience is Member Involvement. We could, and did, design a few T-Shirts, Hats, and Mugs/Beer Steins. There’s a lot more we can offer but lets start with those and see how it goes!
We want YOU to have the opportunity to design these products with us. You’re a creative group and an involved group. This is for you so you should have a hand in the design too. Below are some guidelines to help you. But first, let we answer the question none of you really care about….WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? (meaning you, of course.)
This will be a Contest because Contests have PRIZES! The Prizes Are:
THE TOP DESIGN will receive their choice of ANY ONE of the following: sampler/tasting kit/Bag O’ Snus, General Branded 3mm IceTool, or a Roll of their favorite Snus from the Snus Store!
THE SECOND TOP DESIGN will receive their choice of ANY ONE of the following: sampler/tasting kit/Bag O’ Snus, OR a Roll of their Favorite Snus from the Snus Store!
THE THIRD TOP DESIGN will receive their choice of any samplet/tasting kit/Bag O’ Snus!
ANY OTHER DESIGNS we like enough to use will receive “The Gift of Onyx” box or 4 cans of their favorite snus!
The Rules and Guidelines:
ADDITIONAL INFO from Member Requests: There is no limit to the amount of designs you can submit. We’re not going to be looking at names: we’re going to looking at your concepts. That being said, please don’t just throw everything hoping something will stick. Going through a thousand submissions would be pretty time consuming…….
Also, I’ve been asked to state the Contest Period. The Contest began as of the timestamp of this announcement. It ends at 11:59PM CT on May 31th, 2009. Depending on the number of entries, we will announce the top choices as soon as we can evaluate all the entries. Could be a few days, could be a few weeks. Will be by Jun 30th though……Hopefully.
1. Designs must be original. The T-Shirt the gun girl was wearing would be original if cans of snus were replacing guns and you had a different tag line. We already have an idea about that one, but since Norwester showed it, if he can come up with a better tag-line than us, he can enter it. No one else. Wouldn’t be fair.
2. Since we own all the rights to the various SnusCENTRAL logo’s, badges, names, and the SnusCentral Snus Can graphic, you may feel free to use those. In addition, while you can not alter the before mentioned, in the case of the SnusCentral Snus Can graphic, if you have the ability to design one you think is more exciting, sexier, more attractive, etc., you may do that.
3. Conversely, the snus manufacturers own the rights to all their images, names, and products. You can submit an idea based on these, but we then have to deal with their legal department to receive written authorization to use them. Our T-Shirt, Mug, etc producer will not use any graphics which I can not produce written authorization to use. I’ll take care of getting the authorizations; you don’t have to worry about that. It may delay the process a little though.
4. If you are a graphic artist or your girlfriend is :-), obviously ideas with graphics will present better to the judges and save us the expense of having to hire a graphic artist to produce the graphics. If you’re not talented that way as I’m not, paint the best word picture you can. Slogans, tag-lines and Text are very acceptable entries.
5. Themes: I was browsing a T-Shirt site and the only shirt and mug they had with snus on it was “You Snus; You Lose”. Idiots…unless their talking about American Snus, of course. We’re looking for (BUT not limited to) themes promoting Swedish Snus, Swedish Snus is Real Snus, Swedish Snus and reduced harm; Camel Snus sucks (but no RJRT graphics…I doubt they will give me permission. You can use a public use picture of a Camel, take your own if you know a Camel, or draw your own if you have that talent.), political pro-snus; anti-government bills, laws or programs affecting snus…. This is just to get you started. Come up with your own concepts! If we had all the great ideas, we’d keep the snus for ourselves!
6. Speaking of which, please take this seriously. I do have to pay for these prizes. Please do me and proud.
7.; either the logo or spelled out needs to be on the shirt somewhere. Since our logo was designed for a Black background, if you’re using the logo, be aware it will be on a black shirt so adjust your other colors and graphics accordingly.
8. I’d prefer no F words. Especially with my logo on the shirts. Other than that, have at it: just make sure it makes sense and you’re not swearing for the sake of swearing.
9. Send all your entries to In the subject, put Contest Entry. We’ll post them all afterwards, but we don’t want to limit creativity by having people see other designs, slogans, text, etc and we get a lot of the same concept.
10. If you like, you may design a shirt or hat around the Founding Member Badge. Only ONE of those will be produced and it’s only going to be available for a week or two. When it comes to buying these, everyone is on the honor system. It would be incredibly expensive for me to add the names of those only allowed to buy that shirt. If you are not a Founding Member, please don’t buy one. If you do and we find out……we’ll kill you. (not really, but it sends chills up your spine to read it, doesn’t it?)
11. And finally, any design or idea which we use and pay you in snus for belongs exclusively to SnusCENTRAL. You may not market these products, especially since they will have the SnusCentral logo or name on them. Beyond the snus and the bragging rights, you have no other rights to these designs and are not free to reproduce them. If you can’t deal with that, don’t enter. The only exception is if you are a professional graphic artist and want to add that design to your portfolio, feel free. All sales of that item must go through SnusCENTRAL. If you refer your friends and they buy them……I’m working on that. Let me get the Rewards Points program in place at the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store first.
Any questions, just use the Contact Form under Contact Us and select Mr. UNZ from the dropdown menu. Most importantly, HAVE FUN and let’s kick some SNUS butt!
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