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Members ONLY Announcements

LAST Chance for Kardus 2009 !!!!!

Kardus 2009 Almost Gone…Only a Day or Two Left!   As of this day, we have only a one or two day supply of Kardus Superior Blend 2009 left!  There

Members ONLY Announcements

General Bullet Proof and Offroad de-listings

General Bullet Proof Edition Update: The long awaited General Bullet Proof Edition finally has an official release date:  Week 12. Depending on our allocation, we will alert Members when Bullet

Members ONLY Announcements

Claq Qui – FINAL DAYS !!!!!!!!

Urgent Notice Regarding Claq Qui from the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store: FOR SNUSCENTRAL MEMBERS ONLY: English Translation Follows Announcement. Hälsningar från Moe UNZ av! Våra återstående utbudet av Claq Qui