Black Friday/Cyber Monday Preview

For the Members, here is a preview of our Black Friday through Cyber Monday Snus Sale. I am not kidding you not: over 40 different snus will be on sale!




Our Biggest Snus Sale Ever!

Honoring your odd American holiday’s of Black Friday and Cyber Monday,  We are putting on sale OVER 40 DIFFERENT SNUS Favorites just for you!

Swedish Match Snus?  Oh yes we do!
V2 Tobacco Snus?  Oh yes we do!
GN Tobacco Snus?  EVERY Oden’s Snus we carry is On Sale!
Is there More?  Oh yes there is!

Starts 12:01 AM, Nov 23rd
(US Central Time – GMT-6)

Ends 11:59 PM, Nov 25th
(US Central Time – GMT-6)

Why are we not using Swedish time as we are located in Sweden? 

We don’t have Black Friday here and no one in Sweden knows what a Cyber Monday is! 

These are American holidays although this sale is valid world-wide where legal.  Sorry, EU Snusers.  Stupid Brussels and their EU Snus Ban!

Only at!

Don’t be late or drink too much Glögg!  When this sale is over, it is over.

Win 100 Cans of Swedish Snus!  Enter by Dec 31st  2012

Previous General Classic White Mint Portion Snus - a first for Sweden
Next General Classic White Mint Portion Snus Review

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