SnusCENTRAL Announces a Snus Industry FIRST! will be undergoing some pretty massive construction over the next 72 hours. WHY is this happening? As SnusCENTRAL Members, you get the news early! Here is the Big News……………
Sorry, couldn’t resist stringing this along a little! Tentatively effective April 7th, we will have an old friend joining That Snus Guy and myself at SnusCENTRAL: Swedish Match!
We’re not talking about Swedish Match commenting in the Forum or even having a Forum Section. We’re talking about a new menu item on the Main .org Menu: Manufacturers Speak! Under that section will be Swedish Match. You will be able to ask them questions DIRECTLY and have your answers posted BY Swedish Match DIRECTLY.
This has NEVER been done in the history of Swedish Snus OR American Snus for that matter: a Manufacturer (especially the largest Swedish Snus Manufacturer in the World) setting up a home on a website they did not own!
WHY is this happening?
- Congratulate yourselves! SnusCENTRAL is now rated THE top complete snus information, social forum, news and commentary (and a bunch more) website in the United States and the World! It wouldn’t have happened without YOUR support! Pat each other on the back virtually…you DESERVE it!
- Swedish Match is tired of just talking to me and That Snus Guy. Especially me. They never forgot my comments on General Sterk. In fact, as a “joke”, they sent me a can recently! As a “joke”, I may just try it again and do ANOTHER General Sterk review……. I’m also not shy in offering unsolicited marketing and product advice. They’ve been very patient but…….
- Swedish Match wants to talk to YOU! They want to get to know you, get your opinions and comments, and answer any unclassified questions. The year 2009 is going to be a very critical ones for Swedish Snus; especially in the United States, but in the EU too. Swedish Match wants YOUR input; as well they should! They also want you to be informed consumers and are specifically here to answer YOUR questions! A VERY refreshing attitude when compared to Big American Tobacco to say the least!
- As I said earlier, no manufacturer has ever done this to such an extent. This is a trial and we’re starting out simply. Both Swedish Match and I would also like your feedback on what you think of the format of the Swedish Match Section; what you would like to see which it doesn’t have, and what it does have that you think could be done better. I haven’t discussed this with Swedish Match, but I think it’s safe to say those supplying the best suggestions could be looking at some free snus….in fact WILL be looking at some free snus, if I have to buy it myself! (which I won’t…they are very generous, but it makes me sound good to say I’ll buy it. Weren’t you impressed when you read that?)
I told you this year, but the next three months in particular, are going to be very exciting for all of us. And it’s BECAUSE of all of us that this is happening. That Snus Guy and myself can’t begin to thank you all enough for becoming part of the SnusCENTRAL Snus Experience.
More to follow. Get all your snus/snus curious friends to join now…..if for no other reason, you can show off your Founding Member Badges if you joined in time…..and they can’t! It pays to be an early adopter.
Mr. UNZ, That Snus Guy, AND Swedish Match AB
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