LAST Chance for Kardus 2009 !!!!!
Kardus 2009 Almost Gone…Only a Day or Two Left!
As of this day, we have only a one or two day supply of Kardus Superior Blend 2009 left! There will be no restocking. If you want to sample this INCREDIBLE Snus, you have been warned!
We have lowered the price to $59/can as of this date but have not publicized it… Members get first crack!
If anyone of you are new Members or for some bizzare reason, have never purchased from our Snus Store at, the 10% New Customer Discount on your First Order includes EVERYTHING on your first order: even Kardus 2009!
Use Discount Code LV2F8F at check-out to receive your 10% discount. First time Customers ONLY!
IMPORTANT: If the link to Kardus 2009 leads to a blank page or you can’t find Kardus 2009 on, that means it is ALL GONE.
Best Regards,
YOUR Snus Store @
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