A Present from the NEW SnusCentral.org

Three months ago, SnusCentral.org was nuked by unknown anti-tobacco extremists.  Today we launch the NEW and IMPROVED SnusCentral.org and want to give our Members a small token of our appreciation for their support.

The next time you order your snus from the SnusCentral.com Snus Shop by 31 Jan 2014, we want you to have a can of your favorite snus on us.

At checkout, use the discount code L45UCW.  It will credit you $5.45 to cover a the cost of the can.

Thanks again for you loyalty and support.  We appreciate all of you more than you know.

Enjoy your Snus and the New SnusCentral!

Larry Waters and the entire Team at SnusCentral.org.

Previous Thunder Berry Extra Strong Snus out; Thunder Raspberry Extra Strong Snus coming
Next Swedish Match Loses Trademark Lawsuit against V2 Tobacco

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