New Snus: Grov Kardus Swedish Snus and Click White Portion Snus

The world’s leading Swedish snus manufacturer; Swedish Match, has released a number of radically new products during 2010 quarter.  The latest of these is Grov Kardus loose snus.

As I explained in my article on Ettan Kardus, the word “kardus” refers to the packaging.  Instead of being packed in 45-50 gram cans,  both Grov Kardus and Ettan Kardus are wrapped in heavy paper like a letter. Kardus snus means letter snus in English.   Each of these kardus packages contains 250 grams of snus each.

Don’t confuse the annually released Kardus Superior Blend Vintage special edition snus Swedish Match is famous for.  Kardus Superior Blend snus uses a completely different recipe each year, completely different tobacco’s cut by hand, and ares designed as a very limited edition showcase of the finest of the finest snus which can be made.  Each year’s Kardus Superior Edition contains 100 grams of snus.   Kardus Superior Blend 2010 was packaged in a hand-made wooden box with a shard of porcelin from a shipwreck imbedded in the top.

Grov Kardus and Ettan Kardus are very special in another way.  These classic snuses are hand-packaged by women at the Tobacco and Match Museum in Stockholm during specific times of the year know as Craftsmanship Days.  The quantities are limited in number as ‘letter’ snus is packaged manually.  Generally, the products made at the Tobaks and Tändsticks Museum are only available at the Museum Giftshop.

This year, Markus Ersmark of Swedish Match was able to smuggle out 40 packages of Ettan Kardus for some snus eStores.  Will he be able to do the same with Grov Kardus?  Operational security precludes us from commenting at this time; we can’t even comment on possible SnusCIA involvment.  We shall have to all just wait and see.

Previous Jakobsson's ' Made for America ' Swedish Snus
Next Click Swedish Snus is back!

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