Altria SmokelessTobacco Strategy 2011 – Marlboro Snus and Skoal Snus try again

Altria, the company which today owns Philip Morris USA (PMUSA) and U.S Smokeless Tobacco Company (USST)  strategy

Specs on Marlboro Snus – moisture level, pasturized and how?  made by USST?  total nicotine/gr, un-ionized free nic/gr….ingredients, why is Original called original…it doesn’t taste like Marlboro cigarettes.  Is tobacco fire cured like other USST products?

Specs on Skoal Snus if different – moisture level, pasturized and how?  made by USST? Is tobacco fire cured like other USST products? total nicotine/gr, un-ionized free nic/gr….ingredients,  Why Mint and Smooth Mint?  Is mint same as Marlboro Mint?

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