What is the difference between Swedish Snus and American Snus?
Essentially, SEVEN Criteria separate Swedish Snus from the existing American Snus:
- Quality
- Taste
- Selection
- Safety
- Documented Reduced Harm Tobacco Product
- Nicotine Levels
- Value for your money
While taste is subjective, We will still address it. But the Bottom Line: Swedish Snus wins hands-down in all Seven Areas.
Not my opinion. Not my marketing spin. FACT, Documented FACT. Or in some cases, a deliberate LACK of Facts provided by certain manufacturers or worse, the intentional misleading right up to the point of, but the lawyers make sure they don’t cross it, false claims, false association, and very, very, clever marketing.
There are many articles and studies going into detail on the above on SnusCENTRAL.org. Each of these will also be briefly addressed as separate questions under the list of Snus FAQ’s section you’re currently in.
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