Is it true you can freeze Swedish Snus for over a year?

Yes, like meat, unopened cans Swedish Snus can be frozen for up to a year or more and still be fresh when defrosted!  To retain moisture, place the cans in a freezer bag first and squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing.  Then freeze away!

This is particularly valuable if you have snus you are not ready to use that is approaching its expiration date.  Many people, when buying snus by the roll (10 cans) also freeze a few cans.  This way, in 6 months if you have a craving for that particular snus but don’t have any in the refrigerator, you can simply pull out a can and defrost.

Defrost by placing in the refrigerator and allow up to 48 hours for the snus to return to life.

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Next EXPOSED: Why there IS a "Unique" American Snus Taste

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