Free Snus:  Where Can I Get Free Swedish Snus?

Free Snus: Where Can I Get Free Swedish Snus?

ALL Free Samples of ALL Tobacco Products BANNED June 22nd, 2010


All Hail the FDA....or else.

All Free Tobacco Samples Banned June 22 2010 by FDA

This is the page where consumers of legal age were able to order Free Samples of Swedish Snus. This right was taken away from the American People by the US FDA under The Tobacco Control Act of 2010.

Effective June 22, 2010, all free samples, free product with purchase offers, tobacco-branded merchandise, clothes, etc; either free OR even for sale is now against US Law.

Welcome to Amerika 2010, where adult citizens are not allowed to make their own decisions; where government and anti-all-tobacco extremists can legally make them for you.

Amerika 2010:  where 45 million Amerikan cigarette smokers will die early, costly, and unnecessary deaths because extremism trumps scientific facts.  Where perception is reality and fringe politics rule.  Where “for the children” justifies every argument whether relevant or not.

Free Marijuana Samples May be Available on this Page Soon!

Keep checking this page.  Starting with California, the momentum to legalize recreational marijuana use may be coming to Amerika soon!  California estimates by taxing legalized marijuana, the would “earn” over 12 Billion Dollars the first year alone.

How tobacco can be considered a gateway drug for “the children” to using illegal hard drugs but marijuana is just fine I just can’t figure out.

Then again, I don’t have to.  We have Washington to do our thinking for us.  Just drink the kool-aid and believe everything the Amerikan Ministry of Propaganda has to say, do what they tell you to,  and everything will be fine.  In Washington We Trust…..God help us.


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Next Swedish CAMEL Snus - An Interview with JTI's Joakim Nilsson

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