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Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Snus and Nicotine

Some help understanding Snus and Nicotine Swedish Snus produces a nicotine “kick” that habitual consumers find satisfying. The flip side of the coin, however, is that it is precisely this

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

When the Facts are too boring

The following is the English translation of an article Dr. Rutqvist wrote today in  This is a link to the original article by Dr. Rutqvist. Life could have been

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Dr. Rutqvist is Coming Soon……

Professor Lars-Erik Rutqvist, MD; PhD, Senior Vice President of Scientific Affairs for Swedish Match and one of the world’s leading health experts on tobacco, reduced risk, and reduced harm tobacco