Tag "what is snus"

Press Releases

SnusCENTRAL.org “hosting” tobacco giant Swedish Match AB personnel

SnusCENTRAL.org, the most comprehensive snus website on the planet,  revealed today that two high-ranking Swedish Match AB Officials have accepted sanctuary at the SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker which is located at

Larry Waters Reports!

Larry Waters Responds to Snus and Swedish Snus Article by the LA Smoking Examiner

Reading through the Latest Snus News today, I came across an article by VJ Sleight  on The Examiner.com entitled The difference between Swedish snus and snus sold in the United

Snus FAQs

What is the difference between Swedish Snus and American Snus?

Essentially, SEVEN Criteria separate Swedish Snus from the existing American Snus: Quality Taste Selection Safety Documented Reduced Harm Tobacco Product Nicotine Levels Value for your money While taste is subjective, We

Snus FAQs

Just what is Snus anyway?

It’s interesting.  When I wrote my first FAQ on Snus over a year ago, I was able to answer this question very shortly and simply.  But today, especially in America, there are


Snus Frequently Asked Questions

There is a lot of interest and unfortunately a lot of misinformation about Snus, especially in the United States. So many of you have questions!  Here are some of the

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel SNUS and Marlboro snus: US Cigarette Smokers lack of knowledge about REAL Snus being Exploited by Big Tobacco for BIG Profits: PART 1 of 3

This series is designed to show how Big American Tobacco is intentionally taking advantage of cigarette and other tobacco users’ lack of knowledge with their new “snus” products to market