Tag "v2 tobacco"


Swedish Match to release new snus offerings in US stores!

New Thunder Xtreme in Original Strength and Strong Nicotine At SnusCon 2018 in Chicago on June 10th, Swedish Match North America (SMNA) unveiled a new snus offering for US brick

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus User turns Pro: the Amazing Offroad Brandy Alexander Portion Snus Story

I don’t often write snus reviews.  It’s not that I can’t; it’s just that my credo has always been in judging a snus, the mouth of each snus user is


Swedish Match acquires snus maker V2 Tobacco

Swedish Match acquires Danish snus manufacturer V2 Tobacco! In a surprise announcement this morning, V2 Tobacco announced they had been aquired by Swedish Match AB.  V2 Tobacco is a privately

Larry Waters Reports!

Ultimate Snus Survival Kit for the Nuclear or Zombie Apocalypse

Keep snusing after the apocalypse The SnusCENTRAL.org Bunker, located at an undisclosed location in Texas, USA, receive a shipment of the new Offroad End-of-the-World Snus Survival Kits. Each kit contains

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder XMAS Snus Review: two snuses; two different tastes

For 2015, V2 Tobacco has released two different snus special editions:  Thunder I Snow You Love Me Extra Strong portion snus and Thunder Frosted Christmas Extra Strong portion snus.  I’ve been


Thunder Snus News for October 2015!

New Thunder Snus products are coming and we have word on which of the five 2015 Limited Edition snuses survived the cut.  Our SnusCIA agent in Denmark sat in on

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus Review – Jakobsson’s Melon Strong Portion Snus or Thunder Melon Extra Strong Portion Snus?

Back in January of 2012, Gotlandssnus AB made a major change to their business plan.  They expanded their Jakobssons Snus brand and changed the flavor profile to target the US

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match Loses Trademark Lawsuit against V2 Tobacco

Swedish Match Loses Claim to Round Snus Cans The Stockholm District Court on Friday ruled against Swedish Match AB in their two year legal battle against V2 Tobacco A/S over

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Snus News and Snus Lord Moe Unz is back!

As I always say after I am cut off at the local pub, “I shall return!” and I have.  This is me, Moe Unz, back in my rightful place as

Larry Waters Reports!

Offroad Long Cut Snus Limited Edition Running Out

Offroad Long Cut Red Blend Snus is History The SnusCIA learned two days ago that Offroad Long Cut Red Blend was almost out of stock. Today that has become a

Larry Waters Reports!

Catch Christmas Snus – Sweden’s first Julesnus

Merry Julesnus!  Tis the holiday season once again and visions of Julesnus, or Christmas snus, dance in snuser’s heads.  This year, instead of just reviewing the Gotlandsnus Julesnus and Nordstrommen


Phantom Brown White Snus Discontinued

Phantom Brown White Portion Snus by V2 tobacco has been discontinued effective immediately, according to Patrick Vogel of V2.  There is some remaining stock but very little.  If by chance

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus News: Snus Prices on the Rise

BREAKING SNUS NEWS……………….. The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency office in Stockholm just wired critical information concerning yesterday’s rumors of an increase in the wholesale price of Swedish Snus. The source of

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Snus OT Series Snus: the Inside Snus Story!

Snus Exclusive: This is the story of how and why the Thunder Original Test Series Snus or Thunder OT Series Snus was developed. V2 Tobacco; makers of Thunder Snus and

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

A Snus Horror Story

Being a fan of Phantom Blue portions and loose, I had for some unexplainable reason avoided Phantom Blue White portions. I finally threw 3 cans of White in my latest

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Frosted Long + Portion Snus: First Look at a New Type of Snus

Back in September of 2009 when I wrote First Review: 0102 Lab Series Snus, I predicted every snus manufacturer in Scandinavia would be lining up to buy and copy this

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Xobeloot takes on Big Danish Snus!

V2 Tobacco: The Interview In the tradition of Hunter S. Thompson, I suddenly realized I was interviewing Marc and Patrick Vogel; founders of Denmark’s largest snus manufacturers, V2 Tobacco. Why

Larry Waters Reports!

OffRoad Limited Edition Snus – 5 New Flavors!

Confidential sources who are cousins of friends who know people at V2 Tobacco have confirmed the upcoming release of Offroad Limited Edition Snus. Those of you who have been wondering


Kevin Toole

Kevin Toole is something of a legend among snus users world-wide.  Under the pseudonymn of Xobeloot, he is credited with being a major factor in popularizing Danish Snus Maker V2

Press Releases

Kevin Toole a.k.a Xobeloot Joins SnusCENTRAL.org

Xobeloot’s Toolebox; Memoirs of Kevin Toole joins the growing list of columns on SnusCENTRAL.org Plano, Texas, July 12th, 2009 – SnusCENTRAL.org, the leading informational Snus, Swedish Snus, and Reduced Harm