Tag "swedish snus"

Larry Waters Reports!

Skruf Releases Skruf Stark and Skruf Original White Portions Early!

You would never know it by the Skruf website which still states a February 1st, 2009 release date, but SnusCENTRAL Members received an email alert four days ago:  Skruf Stark

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Claq Qui portion snus by Röda Lacket – Keep those Strong snus reviews coming!

Welcome back fellow snus lovers! Before I go into the review of Claq Qui, I think it may be best to do a little explaining about the recent reviews on

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

General Sterk White portion snus, a Strong Snus review!

  Welcome back fellow snus lovers! I figured since my liberator and, good friend, Larry Waters, did a review recently about General Ekstra Sterk (I couldn’t sleep at all that

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus Review of General Ekstra Sterk & Other Thoughts

I talked about the General Ekstra Sterk and went into detail, not only on the Ekstra Sterk, but the other recent releases and compareda number of the new Extra Strong

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Phantom Classic Blue, V2’s most controversial snus

Welcome fellow snus lovers! I’ve been pacing around my office here in Snustopia trying to figure out which snus I should review for the first post here at SnusCENTRAL. I

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Welcome to “Snus reviews by That Snus Guy”!

Greetings fellow snus lovers! I’m your host, That Snus Guy. First, let me say that I’m honored to be a part of this great website; SnusCENTRAL.org, which is dedicated to

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus Reviews & Snus News on General Ekstra Sterk, Grovsnus Svart, Claq Qui, Nordströmmen & more…

A Merry Christmas-Eve to all! While it is safe to snus and drive, drinking and driving definitely don’t mix. Have a designated driver. Watch out for others who aren’t as

Larry Waters Reports!

EXPOSED: Why there IS a “Unique” American Snus Taste

One of the biggest mysteries for not only myself as a Swedish Snus user, but as someone skilled in marketing, new product launches, and creating new marketing verticles, regarding the

Snus FAQs

Is it true you can freeze Swedish Snus for over a year?

Yes, like meat, unopened cans Swedish Snus can be frozen for up to a year or more and still be fresh when defrosted!  To retain moisture, place the cans in

Snus FAQs

VALUE: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

Which is the Better Value for the Money? Mr. UNZ has detailed this so many times in articles, comment responses, emails and forum posts that I’m just going to give


Sweden Goes After the EU on Snus Ban

Mr. UNZ and Everyone at SnusCENTRAL.org welcome this long over-due decision by the Swedish Government.  The EU’s hasty and ill-conceived Swedish Snus Ban of 1992 made no logical sense at

Larry Waters Reports!

A Worthy Snus Conspiracy Theory

Some of the most interesting items I discuss and learn from readers is by email and in my article comments. Many people post comments to older posts which is why

Swedish Snus Reviews

Skruf – BRANDS: Skruf, Knox

skruf   Every tobacco leaf for Skruf snus is manually selected by an expert where the most important characteristics are the aroma, color and leaf consistency. Skruf snus was established

Swedish Snus Reviews

JTI- BRANDS: Gustavus, LD, Level, Camel (Swedish Version)

JTI   Japan Tobacco International is the 3rd largest tobacco company in the world. They own the Gallaher Group, a Swedish Snus manufacturer. JTI’s brands of snus include Gustavus, LD, 

Swedish Snus Reviews

Swedish Match – BRANDS: Catch, Ettan, General, Goteborgs Prima Fint, Goteborgs Rape’, Grovsnus, Kar

Swedish Match Swedish Match is the largest manufacturer of Swedish Snus with a 95% market share. How they achieved that is a fascinating historical lesson. How they’ve maintained it is

Swedish Snus Reviews

Fiedler & Lundgren – BRANDS: Granit, Metropol, Mocca, Mocca+, M by Mocca, Retro

Fiedler & Lundgren Fiedler & Lundgren is the second largest snus manufacturer in Sweden and was founded in 1835. The snus factory of Fiedler & Lundgren is one of the

Swedish Snus Reviews

Gajane – Oden’s Snus

Oden’s Snus   Oden’s Snus isan Extra Strong snus containing 17mg/g of nicotine. It is available in Original Portion, Cinnamon Portion, Licorice Portion, Cinnamon Loose and Original Loose. Oden’s Snus

Larry Waters Reports!

General Ekstra Sterk Snus: The First of the Super-High-Nicotine Snus’s with more coming!

First there was high nicotine Swedish Snus, also known as Stark, Sterk, or Strong snus. Instead of 8 mg. of nicotine, the equivalent of one cigarette through oral absorption, The

Snus FAQs

NICOTINE LEVELS: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

NICOTINE LEVELS: Yes, Virginia, there ARE significant differences in the levels of Nicotine in Swedish Snus and American Snus. It has to do with profit and greed on the part

Snus FAQs

VARIETY: Swedish Snus versus American Snus

Variety: American Snus:: This section I’m going start with American Snus. Why? It’s quick, simply and will highlight the significant philosophical difference between American snus manufacturers/tobacco companies and Swedish snus