Tag "swedish snus"


Swedish Match’s Q1 tops forecast, snuff disappoints

Obtained from public sources:  29 Apr. 09 Not great news but not unexpected due to the market volatility surrounding the US tobacco tax increases.  Highlights even more that mass cigarette


Mr. UNZ Revealed?

FROM:  SnusCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY         * Intelligence Briefing for 26 April 2009 * CATEGORY: Outcome Unconfirmed but Solid Intel on Mr. UNZ Part of the mission of the SnusCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY

Europe and US Snus

Swedes accuse European Union of snuffing out smokeless tobacco

This article by By Louise Nordstrom, of The Associated Press for Yahoo! Canada expresses the well justified frustration Sweden has with the EU over the Snus Ban of 1992. SnusCENTRAL.org


Is The EU Snus Ban A Political Issue?

TobaccoToday is running an article on the EU ban of Swedish Snus entitled “Is the EU Snus Ban A Political Issue?  The author wonders if it’s possible that politics; not

Press Releases

SnusCENTRAL.org “hosting” tobacco giant Swedish Match AB personnel

SnusCENTRAL.org, the most comprehensive snus website on the planet,  revealed today that two high-ranking Swedish Match AB Officials have accepted sanctuary at the SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker which is located at

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

General Wintergreen portion snus, a review of another “Made for America” Swedish snus!

Welcome back snus lovers! You all might be wondering why I picked General Wintergreen portion snus to do a review on this week. Well, during my weekly meeting with Larry

Larry Waters Reports!

Larry Waters Responds to Snus and Swedish Snus Article by the LA Smoking Examiner

Reading through the Latest Snus News today, I came across an article by VJ Sleight  on The Examiner.com entitled The difference between Swedish snus and snus sold in the United

Larry Waters Reports!

Greedy Big Tobacco Raises Cigarette / Tobacco Prices BEFORE theTobacco Tax Increase goes into Effect!

Wake Up, tobacco users of all kinds (except cigars):  the Tobacco War of 2009 has already begun.  It’s going to get bloody too. It’s a shame DallasNews.com, the on-line version

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Oden’s Cinnamon (Kanel) Extra Strong portion snus. Review of Big Nic in the Extra Strong snus race!

While I was sitting in my cozy room here at SnusCENTRAL last week, pondering which snus I would review next, a mysterious, brown padded envelope was slipped under my door!



In 2007, a Blogger writing under the pen name of Mr. Unloadingzone discovered Camel SNUS. He had long been searching for a way to reduce the risks of his 30+
Larry Waters Reports!

Gotlandssnus: The New Factory and More!

If all goes according to plan, Gotlandssnus AB will begin producing its excellent snus’s at their new state-of-the-art factory on March 10th. The new factory; cleverly named Gotlandssnus AB “The


Europe needs to snuff sense

 This article appeared in the March 1st 2008 edition of the Gotlands Allehanda.  The Swedish tobacco industry has been producing snuff in its present form since the 1800s and the

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel SNUS Versus Swedish Snus: Dennis Neal & Larry Waters (Part 2 of 2)

Part 2 of 2 If you haven’t read Part One yet,  Click HERE.  Part Two makes no sense if you didn’t read Part One first.  That’s why I cleverly named

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel SNUS Versus Swedish Snus: Dennis Neal & Larry Waters (Part 1 of 2)

Although I’ve moved much of the Snus Topic off my other blog, The Unloadingzone, many people still leave commentsabout snus there. I’m also moving those comments over to SnusCENTRAL as

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

V2’s Thunder Original portion snus. A Review of another Extra Strong snus contender!

Welcome back snus lovers! Today we are going to review another snus that has just raised the bar on Nicotine levels in Swedish snus, V2’s Thunder Extra Strong Original portion

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match & Philip Morris International Announce Joint Venture: a Match made in….Sweden?

Since February 3rd, 2009 I’ve been investigating the shocking yet exciting announcement from Swedish Match and Philip Morris International that they were entering into a joint venture to market snus

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

General Onyx Portion snus. A review of a new snus lover’s staple snus!

Welcome fellow snus lovers! Today we’ll be reviewing a pretty special snus, General Onyx portion snus by Swedish Match. I know what you’re saying, “Hey Snus Guy! With all the

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

A Snus Review of a Unique Snus Collection! Catch Chill Mint Vanilla mini portion snus

Welcome back fellow Snus Lovers! Today I thought we’d review a brand new Swedish Snus to the snus world, Catch Chill Mint Vanilla mini portion. I decided to review this

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Snus: High Nicotine and Great Taste!!

Strong Snus, Stark Snus, Sterk Snus: these are all Scandinavian snus’s which are higher in nicotine than Regular snus. Until 2008, this almost always meant 11 mg/g. of nicotine instead

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Camel SNUS versus Swedish Snus. A comparison review of completely different snus tastes!

Greetings fellow snus lovers! This week, I thought I would do something a little different in the way of snus reviews. Instead of just reviewing one kind of Swedish snus,