Tag "swedish snus"

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Xobeloot: Haunted by an Apparition.

…The origin of Xobeloot… I remember it vividly…  I was about 14 years old, it was 2 AM, and I just couldn’t sleep.  I walked to my 2nd-story bedroom window

Larry Waters Reports!

WHY is Philip Morris International Buying Swedish Match South Africa? The Story Behind the Press Releases…

WHY the Swedish Match South Africa sale to Philip Morris International is a win for SMAB, PMI, and their Joint Venture Partnership on Swedish Snus. On the morning of July

Larry Waters Reports!

SnusAB Bankrupt? Is the race over for Liggett Vector’s Grand Prix Snus?

American Snus: Advice for Liggett Vector on Grand Prix Snus, A Nod to American Smokeless Tobacco on Discreet Snus and another excuse to mention Susan Ivey of Reynolds…. I originally

Larry Waters Reports!

Triumph Snus: The Latest on Nicotine Levels Direct from the Factory in Sweden!

The Road Trip to Sweden Series:  June 2009, chronicals Larry Waters’  diplomatic mission to Stockholm and Gothenburg Sweden.  Swedish Match AB “suggested” he come visit them concerning the Joakim/Markus in

Larry Waters Reports!

Guest Snus Review – General Ekstra Sterk Portion Swedish Snus

Introduction by Larry Waters: Paul Richter wrote this review while a newbie to snus.  It is not only an excellent review of General Ekstra Sterk / Extra Strong Portion Snus,

Larry Waters Reports!

Four Million Cans of Swedish Snus!

We Visit the Swedish Match Snus Factories in Gothenburg and Kungälv, Sweden The Road Trip to Sweden Series: June 2009, chronicles Larry Waters’ diplomatic mission to Stockholm and Gothenburg Sweden. 

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

A “Dear Snus” Letter by Xobeloot

Xobeloot and his letter; Dear Snus:  Kevin Toole confesses his infidelity.

Larry Waters Reports!

SnusCENTRAL arrives in Sweden; the birthplace of Snus!.

  Houston, SnusCENTRAL has landed!  We arrive in Stockholm. The Road Trip to Sweden Series:  June 2009, chronicles Larry Waters’ diplomatic mission to Stockholm and Gothenburg Sweden.  Swedish Match AB

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus Scandal in the Sky! Larry Waters Fights For Swedish Snus’s Honor!

Road Trip to Sweden Series:   June 2009 The Road Trip to Sweden Series:  June 2009, chronicals Larry Waters’ diplomatic mission to Stockholm and Kungälv, Gothenburg, Sweden.  Swedish Match AB “suggested”

Larry Waters Reports!

Kennedy/Waxman Tobacco Sell-Out – Opposed by R.J. Reynolds, SnusCENTRAL.org and Larry Waters?!

Kennedy/Waxman, S. 982, HR 1256; all very innocuous names for one of the most destructive bills to American Health Care which ever slithered through Congress.  Lets call this legislation by

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

I’m in Sweden…Where’s my snus?!

I always track the consumer and expert reviews of all the new types of snus which hit the market both here on SnusCENTRAL, and on other snus related forums inhabited


Philip Morris 1847 Snus Production to be Moved!

Confirmation of Previous intelligence:  Production of Philip Morris 1847 Snus to be moved:  Rocker Factory to be closed down……..May 28, 2009 SnusCIA has been hearing credible rumors concerning a production

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective


It’s difficult being in Big Tobacco and running its snus business in Nordic Europe.  It’s even more difficult if you are in Small Tobacco, and don’t have a cigarette business

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

A Different Look at Swedish CAMEL Snus

This was not intended to be my first article, but as someone who ran Gallaher Sweden for two years (2005-06), I can offer up some perspective on Swedish CAMEL Snus,

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Tre Ankare White and Mini White portion snus. Review of the first value priced portion snus duo!

Welcome back Snus Lovers! I thought this week we would journey into “Value Priced” snus by reviewing the first low priced brand in the Swedish Match family, Tre Ankare. I

Larry Waters Reports!

Report from Tobacco Plus Expo 2009!

As a police escort led my armoured limousine down Canal Street towards the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, you could still see the signs of Hurricane Katrina.  Scattered condemned buildings;

Larry Waters Reports!

Follow-Up: Lazy, Embarrassing Article by StarTribune.com

After I published my article, How can the American Public be Educated about Snus when the American Press is so Lazy?  on that embarrassment to Journalism by StarTribune.com on snus, Danger follows a camel on

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

Opinion: The EU Snus Ban

The EU snus ban is an “Animal Farm” type of idiocy which languishes in the “WTF” category permanently. Snus is nearly harmless. 16% of Swedes use it, and they all

Larry Waters Reports!

How can the American Public be educated about Snus when the American Press is so Lazy?

The biggest problem facing snus in general but Swedish Snus in particular is education.  For all practical purposes, the American Public is clueless on snus.  Part of that is the

Larry Waters Reports!

When is Camel Snus NOT Camel SNUS?

When is CAMEL Snus NOT Camel SNUS? When Camel Snus is made in Sweden by Japan Tobacco International (JTI); not by R.J. Reynolds in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There are disadvantages