Tag "RJ Reynolds"

The World According to Feck

Forget Camel SNUS: The REAL History of Snus in America

QUESTION: what do Red Seal American Snuff and Röda Lacket Swedish Snus have in common?  ANSWER: At one time, they were one and the same! To kick off my new column, I


SnusCIA Brief: Is RJ Reynolds up to something….

FROM:  SnusCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY               * Intelligence Briefing for 26 March 2009 * CATEGORY: Confirmed Intel but we have no idea what it means RJ Reynolds up to


Camel “Tobacco Orbs” Re-Ignite FDA Regulation of Tobacco

Would you trade your snus for a piece of nicotine candy?  That’s what RJ Reynolds and Camel are counting on.  They claim it will hold no attraction for children.  Frankly,

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel SNUS and Marlboro snus: US Cigarette Smokers lack of knowledge about REAL Snus being Exploited by Big Tobacco for BIG Profits: PART 3 of 3

And now we come to the part of the this series that I have really been dreading. You probably suspected something was odd since Part 2 came out very quickly

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel Snus? Lord, we must Save the Misguided and bring them to Land of Sweden and Your gift that is Swedish Snus!

I was tinkering with The Unloading Zone’s underbelly the other day and ran a report on the Keywords that were bringing my readers here. I was Amazed and Saddened by