Tag "quit smoking"

Larry Waters Reports!

A Letter about Swedish Snus you will NEVER see from Big Tobacco

You will never see published a letter from a cigarette smoker thanking Altria or Reynolds American for addicting them to nicotine through cigarettes.  Likewise, a short note saying "I'm a
Smoking in the Ladies Room

The Swedish Snus Diet

Why does quitting cigarettes often result in weight gain? Like the caffeine in coffee, nicotine is a stimulant and therefore affects the Central Nervous System. Nicotine can also suppress hunger

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall – New Study shows Snus most effective in Quitting Smoking

Study: Snus more effective and prevalent than NRT for quitting smoking among Norwegian men A new study (abstract below) found that snus (despite being demonized by anti-tobacco extremists and government

The World According to Feck

A Lifetime of Nicotine Addiction

I still have an occasional pipe or cigar now and then. I went a long time without wanting them once I gave up cigarettes. I was afraid that the mere

Press Releases

SnusGEAR.com Launched World-Wide!

Snus Gear for the Snus Enthusiast and Activist! Larry Waters; Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States and Snus Lord of the SnusCENTRAL empire, announced the launch of their latest

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Discreet Snus: An American Snus Review

While perusing the latest FS&S catalog I saw a blurb for Discreet snus. I wasn’t looking for snus; I was shopping for whole tobacco leaves (which are another topic). Discreet

Larry Waters Reports!

Dr. Lars Erik Rutqvist of Swedish Match AB: Phase III Clinical Trials on Swedish Snus began in 2008!

Swedish Match AB to pursue FDA ‘Reduced Harm Product’ Designation Andrew Romeo recently wrote a column ‘Philip Morris says Snus will not Help Smokers Quit.’  I’m not going to repeat

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

Thank You for Chewing our Gum!

It’s well known that all big tobacco players are researching non-tobacco nicotine delivery systems.  Gum and patch manufacturers, with their 12-week dependency regime products will soon have to compete with


He Sells Snus at the EU Parliament

SNUS MISSIONARY Cristofer Kjellner wants the EU Commission to review the tobacco directive so that snus would get same treatment as other tobacco products.         The following is

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Snus: High Nicotine and Great Taste!!

Strong Snus, Stark Snus, Sterk Snus: these are all Scandinavian snus’s which are higher in nicotine than Regular snus. Until 2008, this almost always meant 11 mg/g. of nicotine instead

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Welcome to “Snus reviews by That Snus Guy”!

Greetings fellow snus lovers! I’m your host, That Snus Guy. First, let me say that I’m honored to be a part of this great website; SnusCENTRAL.org, which is dedicated to

Larry Waters Reports!

EXCLUSIVE: Triumph Snus Manufacturer reveals Triumph Snus is LOW NICOTINE: Lorillard Senior Official Refuses to Comment!

EXCLUSIVE Breaking SNUS News!  It appears that the second of the Top Three US Tobacco Companies has been caught intentionally cutting nicotine levels in their snus products to keep their

Snus FAQs

TASTE: Swedish Snus Versus American Snus

Taste My favorite analogy to that questions is “What is the difference between a (no offense) cheap White Owl cigar and a fine Cuban cigar?”  If all you’ve ever smoked

Snus FAQs

Just what is Snus anyway?

It’s interesting.  When I wrote my first FAQ on Snus over a year ago, I was able to answer this question very shortly and simply.  But today, especially in America, there are