Tag "patrick vogel"


Swedish Match acquires snus maker V2 Tobacco

Swedish Match acquires Danish snus manufacturer V2 Tobacco! In a surprise announcement this morning, V2 Tobacco announced they had been aquired by Swedish Match AB.  V2 Tobacco is a privately

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Berry Extra Strong Snus out; Thunder Raspberry Extra Strong Snus coming

Snus News from Denmark V2 Tobacco announced today that Thunder Berry Extra Strong Portion Snus has been discontinued effective immediately.  Disappointing sales numbers are behind the Thunder Berry delisting.  If

Larry Waters Reports!

Offroad Long Cut Snus Limited Edition Running Out

Offroad Long Cut Red Blend Snus is History The SnusCIA learned two days ago that Offroad Long Cut Red Blend was almost out of stock. Today that has become a

Larry Waters Reports!

Catch Christmas Snus – Sweden’s first Julesnus

Merry Julesnus!  Tis the holiday season once again and visions of Julesnus, or Christmas snus, dance in snuser’s heads.  This year, instead of just reviewing the Gotlandsnus Julesnus and Nordstrommen

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

A Snus Horror Story

Being a fan of Phantom Blue portions and loose, I had for some unexplainable reason avoided Phantom Blue White portions. I finally threw 3 cans of White in my latest

Larry Waters Reports!

The Rarest Snus in the World: Thunder UNZ Very Limited Edition Snus

  In honor of V2 Tobacco’s decision to commemorate Swedish Snus Pioneer Lars Unz, this article is dedicated to the legendary Unz Family Snus Dynasty Thunder UNZ VERY, VERY Limited


EXCLUSIVE: Two NEW Thunder ES Portion Snuses!

Two NEW Thunder Extra Stark Snuses from V2 Tobacco December 17, 2009………Confirmed……Top Secret……..Preliminary Announcement The SnusCIA Copenhagen Office has obtained one can each of two brand new Thunder Extra Stark

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Xobeloot takes on Big Danish Snus!

V2 Tobacco: The Interview In the tradition of Hunter S. Thompson, I suddenly realized I was interviewing Marc and Patrick Vogel; founders of Denmark’s largest snus manufacturers, V2 Tobacco. Why

Larry Waters Reports!

EXCLUSIVE: Snus Review – Phantom White Portion Snus and more V2 Tobacco Snus News

For the last two days, I’ve been using a snus I’m pretty confident most of you aren’t:  Phantom Classic White Portion Snus by V2 Tobacco.  The reason for my confidence? 

Larry Waters Reports!

Report from Tobacco Plus Expo 2009!

As a police escort led my armoured limousine down Canal Street towards the New Orleans Morial Convention Center, you could still see the signs of Hurricane Katrina.  Scattered condemned buildings;

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Snus Frosted Extra Strong Portion Snus by V2 Tobacco

Can V2 Tobacco do no wrong these days? The buzz about the new flavors they are testing has been overall very positive. The elusive V2 Brown Snus which is being

Larry Waters Reports!

Thunder Snus: High Nicotine and Great Taste!!

Strong Snus, Stark Snus, Sterk Snus: these are all Scandinavian snus’s which are higher in nicotine than Regular snus. Until 2008, this almost always meant 11 mg/g. of nicotine instead