Tag "nicotine addiction"
The Swedish Snus Diet
Why does quitting cigarettes often result in weight gain? Like the caffeine in coffee, nicotine is a stimulant and therefore affects the Central Nervous System. Nicotine can also suppress hunger
When the Facts are too boring
The following is the English translation of an article Dr. Rutqvist wrote today in Aftenposten.no. This is a link to the original article by Dr. Rutqvist. Life could have been
SPEAK NOW: Save Swedish Snus from the FDA!
Back on November 21st, I advanced the argument that while we were all so concerned about the impact of S.1147, The PACT Act of 2009 legislation, we were ignoring the
Snus and Nicotine
Some help understanding Snus and Nicotine Swedish Snus produces a nicotine “kick” that habitual consumers find satisfying. The flip side of the coin, however, is that it is precisely this
Big Tobacco wants you smoking their Cigarettes AND using their Snus…for now
Ah, nicotine. The wild card in the snus wars. Nicotine is addicting: more addicting than heroin. Nicotine is why cigarettes exist at all: if there was no nicotine in cigarettes,
TASTE: Swedish Snus Versus American Snus
Taste My favorite analogy to that questions is “What is the difference between a (no offense) cheap White Owl cigar and a fine Cuban cigar?” If all you’ve ever smoked
Camel SNUS: An Open Letter to Reynolds America and RJRT
NOTE: For those readers unaware, R.J Reynolds Tobacco Company (RJRT) , which markets Camel SNUS is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc. So first, let me congratulate