Tag "nicotine"


Why did BAT kill the EPOK brand for LYFT?

All White tobacco and all white nicotine products have been around for some time.  Early examples go back to 1999 with the introduction of Nicorette. Later offerings of all white


The Mystery Company behind the All White Snus Revolution

More All White Nicotine Pouches Coming The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency (SnusCIA) has intercepted communications indicating new strategic collaborations in the All White Snus arena.


All-White Snus in the US

Traditional Snus was developed in Sweden in the 18th century as an oral tobacco product which doesn’t involve spitting.  It has evolved into mostly pouched tobacco products placed under the

Larry Waters Reports!

Sweden Mandates Minimum 20 Snus Portions per Can

New Tobacco Rules a positive for Snus Users The Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) recently responded to the government’s request for new rules concerning tobacco products.  Some of these concerned cigarettes and

Main Slider

Swedish Match to release new snus offerings in US stores!

New Thunder Xtreme in Original Strength and Strong Nicotine At SnusCon 2018 in Chicago on June 10th, Swedish Match North America (SMNA) unveiled a new snus offering for US brick

Larry Waters Reports!

US Cities Banning Wintergreen and Mint Smokeless Tobacco AND Snus

The calls for banning flavored nicotine-containing products has been primarily a long and vocal one when it comes to vapor and e-cigarettes.  Poking out of the eSmoke debate is a

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Jakobsson’s Fläder Portion Snus Review – A Classic Snus Rediscovered!

Jakobssson’s Fläder Portion Snus is the reborn version of the old Gotlandssnus Fläder (nicknamed “Gotlandssnus Green”) revived under the Jakobsson’s snus brand by popular demand and for those who never

Larry Waters Reports!

US distribution of mystery product ZYN nt Tobacco-free Nicotine Pouches expands

Swedish Match North America (SMNA) is dramatically expanding the availability of ZYN nt tobacco-free nicotine pouch products into the western United States.  Three questions come immediately to mind:  1) What

Larry Waters Reports!

Shocking: Medical News Today Says Snus Causes Cancer

Snus causes cancer?  Here we go again.  Yvette Brazier writing for anti-tobacco Medical News Today published yet another biased article with cherry-picked data, gaping information holes, and fuzzy logic attempting

Adam Skelland - A British Perspective on Snus

Smokeless Alternatives in the EU – Oliver Twist

Hola friends!  I know it has been a while since I graced these pages with an article, but there have been things going on. I am not going to go

Smoking in the Ladies Room

The Swedish Snus Diet

Why does quitting cigarettes often result in weight gain? Like the caffeine in coffee, nicotine is a stimulant and therefore affects the Central Nervous System. Nicotine can also suppress hunger

Smoking in the Ladies Room

Just when WAS nicotine banned and criminalized?

I am sure I am not the only tobacco user who has heard from their doctor, their friends, or family, maybe even a few co-workers, “You should quit smoking.” Or,

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall Attacks Anti-All-Tobacco Zealots on WIBA

Vicki McKenna of WIBA interviewed Bill Godshall of Smokefree Pennsylvania on November 15th 2010.  Bill does not hold back in blasting Big Pharma, FDA, tobacco ban advocates, and their fellow

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall – New Study shows Snus most effective in Quitting Smoking

Study: Snus more effective and prevalent than NRT for quitting smoking among Norwegian men A new study (abstract below) found that snus (despite being demonized by anti-tobacco extremists and government

Smoking in the Ladies Room

Mrs. Mick on Fellinni Snus, Greyhound Buses…and cigarettes

As I read my husband’s latest article I figured I should put in my own two cents about my recent trip and the Fellinni White Mini Portions. Hi, I’m Catherine

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Mrs. Mick on Fellinni Snus, Greyhound Buses…and cigarettes

As I read my husband’s latest article I figured I should put in my own two cents about my recent trip and the Fellinni White Mini Portions. Hi, I’m Mrs

Dr. Lars-Erik Rutqvist - The Truth on Snus

Snus and Nicotine

Some help understanding Snus and Nicotine Swedish Snus produces a nicotine “kick” that habitual consumers find satisfying. The flip side of the coin, however, is that it is precisely this

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match Attacks! Introducing Revolutionary NEW Snus Brand and Concept

Swedish Match Lab Series 0102 Snus Breaks the Snus Mold! In the beginning, there was Swedish Snus with its centuries long history, recipes, and traditions. Then one dark day in

Larry Waters Reports!

Marlboro Snus Review and Philip Morris USA

Marlboro Snus – How quickly things change. A few months back, I commented how Philip Morris USA and Marlboro Snus had impressed me. The people at PMUSA must have read

Larry Waters Reports!

SnusAB Bankrupt? Is the race over for Liggett Vector’s Grand Prix Snus?

American Snus: Advice for Liggett Vector on Grand Prix Snus, A Nod to American Smokeless Tobacco on Discreet Snus and another excuse to mention Susan Ivey of Reynolds…. I originally