Tag "lös snus"


Swedish Match pulls General Loose Snus from US Stores

General Loose (lös) Snus doesn’t make the cut in US stores Based on consumer demand, Swedish Match North America (SMNA) has pulled the loose cut version of General Snus from

Larry Waters Reports!

Ettan Lös Snus and Grov Lös Snus back in their classic 1967 tins

What’s Old is New Again (briefly): Ettan and Grov Loose Snus Cans circa 1967 1967 was a good year for nuclear weapons and Swedish snus. China exploded their first hydrogen

Larry Waters Reports!

Kardus Superior Blend; Vintage 2009, is in the house!

Snus Week 45:  Kardus Superior Blend 2009 and Nick & Johnny Black released! Oh, Christmas time for Swedish Snus Lovers!  This week, Swedish Match has released Nick & Johnny Black

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

Phantom Classic Blue, V2’s most controversial snus

Welcome fellow snus lovers! I’ve been pacing around my office here in Snustopia trying to figure out which snus I should review for the first post here at SnusCENTRAL. I