Tag "legislation"

Adam Skelland - A British Perspective on Snus

Denmark and the Snus Ban, Why is the EU Suing Denmark?

You may have recently seen in the news and on SnusCentral.org that the EU is suing Denmark for continuing to sell snus. Denmark sells snus? Isn’t snus banned throughout the


Podcast: Why YOU have to support the General Snus MRTP application

 The General Snus Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) application to FDA was the subject of this call to action for snus users in the USA.  Swedish Snus Ambassador to the

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match, FDA, General Snus, and Modified Risk Tobacco Products: What does it mean?

UPDATED 27 Aug 2014:  Two months ago, Swedish Snus giant Swedish Match presented FDA with a formal application that the General Snus products sold over-the-counter (OTC) in the United States

Adam Skelland - A British Perspective on Snus

Mr. Barrosa, tear down this Snus Ban!

Guten tag snusers, I have just come back from a rather excellent trip to Berlin, the capital of Germany.  I go at least once a year as it is, quite

Adam Skelland - A British Perspective on Snus

Finessing the EU Snus Ban: Thunder Snus vs Thunder Chew

Happy New Year snusers, I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and that 2014 brings you everything you desire! As I am now starting to come

Adam Skelland - A British Perspective on Snus

Snus; a British Perspective on holiday – Snus en Espaniol and the EU Snus Ban

Hola chicos, In September me and my long suffering other half took a well earned holiday to Spain, our destination, the wonderful city of Barcelona! I strongly suggest that you

Larry Waters Reports!

FDA Tobacco Czar Mitch Zeller – Substantial Equivalence launch but what’s next for Tobacco?

FDA Tobacco Czar Mitch Zeller, Ruler of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), has announced the first tobacco products to move through the long-awaited substantial equivalence (SE) process. Two

Smoking in the Ladies Room

Just when WAS nicotine banned and criminalized?

I am sure I am not the only tobacco user who has heard from their doctor, their friends, or family, maybe even a few co-workers, “You should quit smoking.” Or,

Press Releases

EU Statement: John Dalli Resigns over Swedish Snus Scandal

Brussels, 16 October 2012 Press statement on behalf of the European Commission Commissioner John Dalli has today announced his resignation as a member of the Commission, with immediate effect. Mr

Larry Waters Reports!

EU Health Commissioner John Dalli ousted in EU Snus Corruption Scandal

EU Health Commissioner and snus hater John Dalli has resigned in a snus corruption scandal.  Long a roadblock in Sweden’s attempts to have the EU Snus Ban dropped from the