Tag "lab 03 snus"


Snus to Go: Swedish Match to Delist Four Snuses

BREAKING:  The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency (SnusCIA) has intercepted communications from Swedish Match indicating the delisting of four current snus products….. Lab 03, Roda Lacket White Portion, and Probe Whiskey Snus


Snus Industry News | STC for sale | New Thunder Snus

The loudest sound in the Swedish snus industry lately has been the silence.  There have only been a few new products worthy of note released so far in 2015, some

Larry Waters Reports!

The LAB 03 Swedish Snus Review

The LAB 03 is the latest addition to Swedish Match’s The LAB brand of snus.  It fills the regular nicotine strength hole left by the delisting of LAB 01 in