Tag "is snus safe"


What FDA MRTP Status for General Snus Really Means

On a Monday conference call with FDA, Swedish Match US was blind-sided.  FDA said there could be good news concerning the Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) application for General Snus

The World According to Feck

American Moist Snuff versus Swedish Snus

The Difference between Copenhagen Dip and Real Swedish Snus There exists the misconception within the United States that American Moist Snuff/Dip is little different than Swedish Snus except you don’t

Larry Waters Reports!

Ex-Cigarette Smokers have Swedish Snus to Thank

Swedish Snus IS effective in Smoking Cessation Programs One of the things I find most annoying and offensive oft repeated by the Anti-All-Tobacco crowd is their insistence that if something

Press Releases

SnusCENTRAL.org “hosting” tobacco giant Swedish Match AB personnel

SnusCENTRAL.org, the most comprehensive snus website on the planet,  revealed today that two high-ranking Swedish Match AB Officials have accepted sanctuary at the SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker which is located at

SnusCENTRAL Snus Reviews

V2’s Thunder Original portion snus. A Review of another Extra Strong snus contender!

Welcome back snus lovers! Today we are going to review another snus that has just raised the bar on Nicotine levels in Swedish snus, V2’s Thunder Extra Strong Original portion

Larry Waters Reports!

Swedish Match & Philip Morris International Announce Joint Venture: a Match made in….Sweden?

Since February 3rd, 2009 I’ve been investigating the shocking yet exciting announcement from Swedish Match and Philip Morris International that they were entering into a joint venture to market snus

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus Review of General Ekstra Sterk & Other Thoughts

I talked about the General Ekstra Sterk and went into detail, not only on the Ekstra Sterk, but the other recent releases and compareda number of the new Extra Strong

Larry Waters Reports!

Camel Snus? Lord, we must Save the Misguided and bring them to Land of Sweden and Your gift that is Swedish Snus!

I was tinkering with The Unloading Zone’s underbelly the other day and ran a report on the Keywords that were bringing my readers here. I was Amazed and Saddened by