Tag "grovsnus"

Larry Waters Reports!

Ettan Lös Snus and Grov Lös Snus back in their classic 1967 tins

What’s Old is New Again (briefly): Ettan and Grov Loose Snus Cans circa 1967 1967 was a good year for nuclear weapons and Swedish snus. China exploded their first hydrogen

Larry Waters Reports!

WHY is Philip Morris International Buying Swedish Match South Africa? The Story Behind the Press Releases…

WHY the Swedish Match South Africa sale to Philip Morris International is a win for SMAB, PMI, and their Joint Venture Partnership on Swedish Snus. On the morning of July


Swedish Match’s Q1 tops forecast, snuff disappoints

Obtained from public sources:  29 Apr. 09 Not great news but not unexpected due to the market volatility surrounding the US tobacco tax increases.  Highlights even more that mass cigarette

Swedish Snus Reviews

Swedish Match – BRANDS: Catch, Ettan, General, Goteborgs Prima Fint, Goteborgs Rape’, Grovsnus, Kar

Swedish Match Swedish Match is the largest manufacturer of Swedish Snus with a 95% market share. How they achieved that is a fascinating historical lesson. How they’ve maintained it is