Tag "FDA"

Larry Waters Reports!

All-White Snus in the US

Traditional Snus was developed in Sweden in the 18th century as an oral tobacco product which doesn’t involve spitting.  It has evolved into mostly pouched tobacco products placed under the


Swedish Match MRTPA denial shows FDA approval process is a Farce

After 2 and a half years of fumbling the Swedish Match application for Modified Risk Tobacco Product (MRTP) status on their General Snus products sold in US convenience stores, the

Larry Waters Reports!

Shocking: Medical News Today Says Snus Causes Cancer

Snus causes cancer?  Here we go again.  Yvette Brazier writing for anti-tobacco Medical News Today published yet another biased article with cherry-picked data, gaping information holes, and fuzzy logic attempting

Larry Waters Reports!

Mega-sized Swedish Snus Stores coming to the US?

American snus users, close your eyes and visualize the Swedish snus selection (if any) at your local tobacco store or convenience store today.  Then imagine one day having a snus

Larry Waters Reports!

FDA Tobacco Czar Mitch Zeller – Substantial Equivalence launch but what’s next for Tobacco?

FDA Tobacco Czar Mitch Zeller, Ruler of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), has announced the first tobacco products to move through the long-awaited substantial equivalence (SE) process. Two

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Snus Warriors

First off I’d like to apologize to my faithful readers for such a long absence from these pages. Launching The Snuff Taker’s Ephemeris magazine and working full time has kept


Update on the PACT Act – October 4th 2010

The US Congress may be leaving Washington for more important things…like getting re-elected; the Government bureaucracy is proudly doing its best to ruin the country by continuing the War on


This Week’s FDA Tobacco Propaganda – 8/6/10

This Week in CTP — Updates from the FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) FDA announced the first round of Stakeholder Discussion Sessions. The Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC)


The Latest FDA Propoganda on Tobacco

Daily Updates by FDA on Tobacco Control Act Your tobacco tax dollars are at work! The FDA Minister of Propoganda has developed this widget to keep you informed of why

Larry Waters Reports!

FDA Celebrates Anniversary of the Tobacco Control Act

Attention Citizens of Amerika!  Today is the first anniversary of the signing of the Tobacco Control Act into law.  FDA is spending tobacco tax money for a huge celebration of

Larry Waters Reports!

The PACT Act is bad but don’t forget the Tobacco Control Act

While the PACT Act has been getting most of attention in the tobacco world this month, the Tobacco Control Act which goes into effect Jun 22, 2010 is far and

Larry Waters Reports!

Snus News: Snus Prices on the Rise

BREAKING SNUS NEWS……………….. The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency office in Stockholm just wired critical information concerning yesterday’s rumors of an increase in the wholesale price of Swedish Snus. The source of

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

The PACT Act Sucks!

Yes, it does. It will make my snus and snuff more expensive. It will cause me to pay more for shipping, not to mention having to meet the driver of


FDA Update on Tobacco Products – April 7, 2010

More “good” news from our friends at FDA.  Cigarette or smokeless tobacco sales to minors have been and already are illegal.  I guess the message isn’t getting through to “the

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

TPSAC – The Snus & Tobacco Inquisitors

This month the FDA announced the members of its Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC). I thought it would be interesting to discover who are the people which will have


FDA Update on Tobacco Product Scientific Advisory Committee

  Info from FDA on First Public Meeting by Tobacco Product Scientific Advisory Committee As a reminder, the first meeting of the Tobacco Product Scientific Advisory Committee is scheduled for

Larry Waters Reports!

FDA Panel Takes on Menthol in March 2010!

Voting Members of FDA Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee Chosen FDA announced this morning that they had selected the Voting Members (the ones that count) for the Tobacco Products Scientific

Mick Hellwig - Snus, Snuff, and Stuff

Tobacco, Guns, and Money

My other passions in life, beyond nicotine, my lovely wife and kids, are firearms and the politics involved.  I am a certified gun nut. I vote mainly based on where

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall Responds to FDA on Tobacco Regulations

Bill Godshall of Smokefree Pennsylvania to FDA Tobacco Czar Lawrence Deyton There are just days remaining (December 28 is the deadline) to submit public comments to the US FDA on tobacco regulations.  

Andrew Romeo – An Insider’s Perspective

Big Tobacco’s Advertising ‘WORK-AROUNDS’

In an atmosphere of increasing regulation of tobacco companies, it has become common for them to stretch laws, or work around them in order to advertise their products to adult