About SnusCENTRAL.org – prelaunch Oct 2008

About SnusCENTRAL.org – prelaunch Oct 2008


SnusCENTRAL.org: Your Source For Everything Snus is in the process of Beta Launching!


JANUARY 19, 2009: The SnusCENTRAL Snus Store Receives V2 Tobacco’s newest snus, Thunder Snus Extra Strong Snus, containing a new industry high 16 mg. of nicotine and also the Nordströmmen Limited Edition (loose snus), both offered at the lowest price around! And of course SnusCENTRAL Members received Advanced Notice. Membership at SnusCENTRAL.org Really Does Have It’s Benefits!

Mr. UNZ also revealed that he was a part of V2’s Test Group which rated different samples to help V2 determine what the Thunder Snus would taste like! His Snus Review of Thunder Snus Extra Strong Snus along with the details on experience as part of the Test Group is forthcoming!

JANUARY 14, 2009:SnusCENTRAL Members recieve Advance Notice of the Limited Early Release of the long awaited Skruf Stark White Portion and Skruf Original White Portion. Four Days Later, Mr. UNZ made a Public Announcement. By then, we were almost out of Skruf Original White Portion and running low on Skruf Stark White Portion. Membership at SnusCENTRAL.org Really Does Have It’s Benefits!

JANUARY 7, 2009:We Welcome That Snus Guy, the Famous Snus Reviewer of Snustopia-in-Exile to SnusCENTRAL.org. Well known for his comprehensive, unbiased Snus Reviews. His insights bring value to our Members and also help offset the occasional rant by Mr UNZ. His Reviews begin January 9th and can found by clicking on the “That Snus Guy” tab on the Top Menuu either under Snus Reviews or Member Area >Member Reviews>Snus Reviews by That Snus Guy.

That Snus Guy will also have his own section on the SnusCENTRAL Forum where Members can comment or ask questions about the various snus’s he has reviewed.


Over 100 Fresh Swedish Snus’s to choose from, Great Prices because our Members and Visitors deserve no less, and Speedy Delivery with almost ALL ORDERS processed within 24 Hours!

GRAND OPENING SPECIAL!!!!!! All New Customers will receive a 10% DISCOUNT off their first order at the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store! Just use Discount Coupon Code: LV2F8F at Check-Out and your 10% Discount will be Applied!

The SnusCENTRAL Snus Storecan be reached from the top menu bar under Shop or by clicking on any of the Snus Store links or banners we shamelessly post on the Site.

DECEMBER 5 2008 UPDATE: Welcome to, well, ALMOST, SnusCENTRAL.org! We’re almost finished with the Functional Aspects and Content-Loading will be an on-going process.

We’ve decided to PRE-OPEN so that, ESPECIALLY all the long-time fans of our old home, The Unloading Zone,but also new people who may stumble across us can take advantage of what’s here now, get an idea of what’s to come, and especially to GIVE US FEEDBACK: Positive OR Negative AND Suggestions, on how we can make SnusCENTRAL.org a new favorite site of yours!

Go to Contact Us on the Top Right Menu Bar, select Suggestion Box from the list of contacts, and honestly tell us how you feel.

NOTE: There is some functionality and even menu items you will not be able to even SEE, let along access, unless you are a Member. Membership is Free. As we are a Tobacco-related Site, you are required to be of legal age in your State or Country of residence to join. We are required to ask your birth-date but ONLY your AGE will be visible to other Members: NOT your date of birth! We understand Identity Theft too.

BONUS: When you become a Member, under the menu on the Members Area of the Menu is a tab called “BADGES”. The First Badge: Founding Member, is a ONLY available for a limited amount of time. It shows you were one of the First to Join SnusCENTRAL!

There are plenty of other Badges there too to complement you Blog, Email, Website, Social Network, or any other source which will accept HTML: you just copy the code and paste! Pick whatever you like! Badges are Free too by the way.


SnusCentral.org aims to become the most definitive website on the planet when it comes to Snus, Smokeless Tobacco, Snuff, and related Topics. Here, you will be able to learn the FACTS about Snus, ask questions and have them answered, link to important studies on the health effects of snus and reduced harm tobacco, read product reviews, write your OWN product reviews, learn about the different types, manufacturers, and brands of Snus, and get quick FAQ’s.

You’ll get up to the minute news on snus, tobacco, USA and EU actions affecting them and more! You’ll have access to reviews and opinion articles by the famous Snus Guru himself, Mr Unz, outspoken Snus activist,be able to communicate with other Snus users and compare notes……you’ll even be able to Buy Snus from SnusCentral.com, our sister company, and get great deals on snus and snuff collectible tins, posters, and accessories!

ESPECIALLY for the New Snus User, a cigarette smoker looking for a better way to get their nicotine, or wondering if snus can REALLY help you stop smoking; even someone of legal age just curious about Snus, this will be be your FACT-based home and source of TRUE information.

For the Veteran Snus User, up to the minute news on the industry, brands, reviews and YOUR reviews will be a part of the site. SnusCENTRAL is designed to by a place to meet others who share your passion and meet and interact with the Snus Manufacturers too.

As a former 30+ year cigarette smoker and nicotine-addict, snus has been a God-send to me.

But the tremendous amount of misinformation on the Internet; sadly a good portion deliberate, hardened my resolve to keep, especially the uneducated American smoker like I once was, from falling into the marketing trap aimed at the 46 Million+ remaining nicotine-addicted smokers in the US…..Snus was invented over 200 years ago by the Swedish: not 3 years ago by American tobacco.

And most importantly, NOT ALL Snus is REAL Snus! The differences when it comes to reduced harm…..such as Swedish Snus having low to virtually NO TSNA’s (tobacco specific carcinogens), is NOT true of all products calling themselves “snus”.

The FDA is due to take control of tobacco, probably during the 2009 Congressional session. From there, the clock starts ticking down to a ban on cigarettes.

The bulk of those 46MM+ smokers are nicotine-addicted or they would have quit already in today’s anti-tobacco social and professional climate. A huge amount of money is at stake: for the tobacco companies, and especially in these economic times, for the Federal and State governments through tobacco taxes: the economy would collapse without smokers holding it up with outrageous cigarette taxes….up to 80% of the price of a pack of cigarettes is Federal, State and other taxes!

So we’re working as quickly as we can but you can imagine the enormous amount of information involved and putting it together so it’s easy for you to follow and get the answers you need quickly.


Your friends at SnusCENTRAL.org


Snus Central - My Snus Source

Previous Camel SNUS: An Open Letter to Reynolds America and RJRT
Next Lorillard says Triumph Snus Still a Go, but Consumers would Never Know it!

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