Philip Morris – BRAND: 1847
Philip Morris International (PMI) makes the 1847 Original and White Portion Snus in Sweden to Swedish Government specifications. While they have the rights to the Marlboro brand name outside the United States, you can blame Altria and Philip Morris USA for the abomination called “Marlboro snus” marketed in the United States.
PMI and Swedish Snus giant Swedish Match have entered into a Joint Venture Agreement for expanding Snus and Smokeless tobacco into emerging world markets. As part of that agreement, Swedish Match will take over production of PMI’s 1847 snus’s. For you trivia fans, the name “1847” represents the year that Mr. Philip Morris opened his first tobacco store in London.
You can buy Philip Morris 1847 Snus at Ye Olde SnusCENTRAL Snus Store.
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