British American Tobacco – BRANDS:  Pall Mall, Lucky Strike

British American Tobacco – BRANDS: Pall Mall, Lucky Strike

British American Tobacco


British American Tobacco (BAT)entered the snus industry in 2005 withPall Mall and Lucky Strike Brand portion and white portion. Encouraged by feedback from consumers and some health experts, operations in both Sweden and South Africa soon expanded and they started sales in Norway in 2006.

BAT also opened their own snus product development facility at their R&D laboratories in the UK and have run a limited consumer test in Japan.

In September 2007BAT’sCanadian subsidiary began a test market in the city of Edmonton, Alberta, using its leading cigarette brand du Maurier. It extended the testing to Ottawa, the nation’s capital, in January 2008.

BAT significantly strengthened their footprintwith the July 2008 acquisition of Danish-based Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni and through it ownership of snus maker Fiedler & Lundgren. This move gave BAT in-house manufacturing for the first time. Brands include Granit, Mocca and Metropol.

Buy British American Tobacco Company Snus at the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store.

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