Welcome to “Snus reviews by That Snus Guy”!

Welcome to “Snus reviews by That Snus Guy”!

Greetings fellow snus lovers! I’m your host, That Snus Guy. First, let me say that I’m honored to be a part of this great website; SnusCENTRAL.org, which is dedicated to the world we all love: snus! I will do my best to bring you the most informative reviews of the different varieties and flavors of snus out there.

I also want to say “Thanks” to Larry Waters for the creation of SnusCENTRAL and, smuggling me out of danger to be here with you. Thru his generosity of giving me his closet to stay in, a cozy cardboard bed and a bowl full of water each day, I can now share my renowned reviews of snus with you! By the way, 66′ Chevy’s DO float provided they are on a ship! Still don’t know why I had to ride in the trunk though.

So, your all probably sitting there, saying to yourselves “Great story but, who are you?”

I’m a person who, like most of you, was a heavy smoker for over 25 years, looking for a way to quit. For the past 10 years, I’ve been looking for something that would help me to do this once and for all and, found it with Swedish Snus!

After searching tirelessly through forum posts, blogs, and manufacturer’s websites, looking for descriptions of the tastes on different snus, I could not find any that weren’t biased or “Like it, hate it” types of reviews. Most of them were not very accurate. I decided that snus newbies, like me at that time, needed better reviews on tastes and, began reviewing and doing unbiased reviews!

That’s what I will bring to SnusCENTRAL! Unbiased, informative and fun reviews on the different types of Swedish snus, as I research them!

Well, now you know about That Snus Guy and, what “Reviews by That Snus Guy” will try to achieve. So, grab your favorite snus, a nice cold, or hot, drink and a comfy seat as we embark on the maiden voyage! And, I promise, no one will have to sit in the trunk for this trip! ;>)

That Snus Guy,

Visiting Snus Reviewer at SnusCENTRAL.org


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Next Phantom Classic Blue, V2's most controversial snus

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