V2’s Thunder Original portion snus. A Review of another Extra Strong snus contender!
Today we are going to review another snus that has just raised the bar on Nicotine levels in Swedish snus, V2’s Thunder Extra Strong Original portion snus. I was a bit nervous about researching Thunder snus for our review simply due to the high amount of Nicotine in it but I knew there were probably snus lovers out there that felt the same way. I owe it to them to not be a sissy about it! So I got up the courage and ordered a can.
“Snus Guy! You’ve taken us through high Nicotine snus before. Why were you nervous about Thunder snus?” Well, it’s true that I’ve reviewed high Nicotine snus here before but Thunder snus has 16 mgs of Nicotine per portion which makes it the second strongest snus on earth to date! If that doesn’t make a person nervous, nothing will!
Ok, enough about my phobias. Let’s review V2’s latest and boldest offering, Thunder Extra Strong Original portion snus!
Like I said above, V2 has raised the bar in the Extra Sterk/Stark/Strong arena with Thunder Extra Strong Original portion snus. With its 16 mg per portion Nicotine content, it truly is one of the most unique Extra Sterk snus brands. Another thing making Thunder unique within V2’s line is the fact that the can has a used portion compartment in the lid: something V2’s other portion snus cans do not.
The portion contains a little over 1 gram of snus with 24 portions per can and is an original, or regular, type portion. If you remember back to the post about types, original portions go thrrough the additional wetting process which adds a little more moisture and flavor to the portion. The material the portion is made from has the same texture as that of a tea bag but a little less stiff. In a nutshell, it’s the same material used in the rest of the V2 line.
While the portion sits pretty well in the lip, it can be a little irritating if left in for over an hour and a half. In regards to irritation, I look at it this way. Since the Swedish typically keep portions in for under an hour, getting a half hour more out of a portion of snus before it starts to irritate your gums really is a bonus! But, what does it taste like? Let’s explore that. The answer may surprise you!
In the past, V2 has been known for really powerful flavored snus. Phantom Blue is known for its unique smell and bold taste of citrus and Bergamot. Offroad Icemint has the taste of icy wintergreen and mint taken to the extreme! But the flavor of the tobacco was barely noticeable. Thunder is the exact opposite!
The tobacco flavor is the star in Thunder. But that’s not the only flavor. The longer you keep the portion in, other more subtle flavors start to come out. Hints of Cinnamon, black pepper and salt seem to playfully mingle in with the tobacco flavor making you want to keep Thunder in longer. The subtle bitterness and burn of a high Nicotine snus is there as well but, like I said, it’s subtle.
Another thing that makes Thunder unique is the saltiness or the lack thereof. While there is salt in Thunder, 5% to be exact, the actual salty taste associated with Extra Sterks is not as noticeable in Thunder as it is in the other Extra Sterks. I’ve had a portion in for about 2 hours and after that, the portion will tend to get a bit bitter so, I recommend a maximum of an hour and a half. That brings us to the Nicotine rush!
One would think that a snus with 16 mg of Nicotine in it would literally knock a snus lover right off their feet! I thought this when I tried the first of the Uber snus line General Ekstra Sterk. It didn’t happen. I had this in mind when I first tried Thunder as well. I got the same thing but, this isn’t a bad thing though.
As most of you already know, I used to smoke cigarettes. Being an ex-smoker, I was used to getting that quick shot of Nicotine you get from a cigarette. With snus, no matter the strength, you don’t get the instant hit. It comes gradually and steadily and lasts for about a half an hour.
With Thunder, this is the exact feeling you get. You can begin to feel the Nicotine after about 10 minutes and it’s steady for about 30 minutes but it’s not the feeling like the first cigarette in the morning. The feeling is more like a calming sensation. Although, I’ve had Thunder as my first thing in the morning snus and did get a bit of a rush, it’s not the head spin you would expect!
Now, what drinks go well with Thunder snus? My typical Diet Coke is acceptable and, if you’re adventurous, Monster energy drinks taste great but I felt my heart rate go up a bit when I tried that pairing! The best thing I’ve drank with it though is iced green tea!
“Did you say green tea, Snus Guy? Green tea has almost no tea flavor!” Right! Since Thunder snus has a predominant tobacco flavor, green tea helps to bring it out better without masking it like a stronger tea would. It will also enhance the subtle background flavors as well but, I’ll let you decide.
My overall recommendation for V2’s Thunder Extra Strong Original portion snus, fellow snus lovers, is this; V2 has created one of the leaders in the Extra Sterk snus arena with a great tobacco taste and 16 mgs of Nicotine per portion. While snus lovers that are used to Extra Sterk snus will find this a great new addition to their rotation, snus lovers that are just starting out in the world of snus or, ones that haven’t tried Extra Sterks, should know that Thunder will take a little getting used to due to the high Nicotine content but, feel free to get a can and judge for yourselves!
At the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store, it’s worth giving Thunder snus a try! But If you visit the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store and it’s your first time buying from us, you can save 10% at checkout on your order by entering the discount code LV2F8F! Just tell em’ That Snus Guy sent you!
Well fellow snus lovers, I hope you found our trip through V2’s Thunder Extra Strong Original portion snus informative. You can also visit our Member Reviews Section and Snus Reviews by Larry Waters and Friends for more reviews. SnusCENTRAL.org Members are encouraged to write their own snus reviews!
As always, until our next review,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy
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