Thunder Wintergreen White Portion Snus – Reviewing the first of four new White Portions from V2 Tobacco
As I sit here in my lavishly decorated office here in the SnusCentral bunker, I’m reminded of that package I received not two weeks ago, as well as the incident that occurred back then, that had all four new Thunder White products that were released by V2 Tobacco sitting in front of me.
I was anxious to try and review all four them right then and there, followed by a complicated review which would include all of them. I thought about it for a while and figured it would really be unfair to not only you guys but to V2 as well.
After two weeks considering my options, I decided that I would start with the one I thought I would like the least: Thunder Wintergreen White portion Snus! Let’s begin our review and I’ll explain why.
If you’ve read my reviews you’ll understand that Wintergreen is probably my most disliked flavor when it comes to smokeless tobacco. This is not because of my dislike of the flavor; it’s because of a bad experience I had with an American smokeless Wintergreen brand.
So I’ve been a bit standoffish when it comes to Wintergreen flavored snus because it brings up bad memories of that experience; and then came Thunder Wintergreen White portion! This white portion is much different than other white portion Snus on the market for a few reasons that will get into during the review.
Thunder Wintergreen White portion Snus ( also known as Thunder White Wintergreen) is classed as a white portion type meaning that the portions do not go through the extra wetting step at the end of the manufacturing process. Omitting this step leaves the portion material its original white color and also a bit drier than an original portion.
That’s OK because V2 uses the same soft teabag type material for Thunder Wintergreen White as they do with all of their Thunder portions. The pouch is soft and comfortable on if the lip for approximately 2 hours. Omitting this step also causes the flavors to be a bit more muted in typical white portions but not so much with this white portion snus!
The nicotine content in Thunder Wintergreen White is the same mind blowing 16 mg per portion with 22 portions in each can. The can seem to be the same as well, made from black plastic with the catch compartment in the lid and the great carbon fiber looking graphics on the label. “Snus guy, we still don’t see what makes this snus different! What gives?”. I’m glad you asked! Let’s get into the flavor part of the review and you’ll understand what I mean.
Thunder Wintergreen original portion has a very strong Wintergreen flavor and it hits you as soon as you place it in your lip. Thunder Wintergreen White on the other hand, does hit you pretty quickly just not as intensely as the original portion does. I know, I know, what you just read probably doesn’t make any sense but hear me out.
The original version of Thunder Wintergreen has a really intense, in your face, Wintergreen flavor that you can taste the minute it hits your lip while this White version takes a minute or so before the wintergreen flavor comes out. The Wintergreen flavor its self is actually very good and really close to the flavor of true Wintergreen, right down to the subtle sweetness!
After using half the can I noticed something else unique in this snus; its flavor makes a subtle change after about 20 minutes. Thunder White Wintergreen goes from being a predominantly Wintergreen flavored snus to a subtly flavored one! What I mean is the strong Wintergreen flavor moves to the background and the earthy, peaty flavors of the tobacco come to the center stage.
The overall flavor also goes from being something close to a Wintergreen Lifesaver, to a traditional flavored Snus with a Wintergreen back note. This is something unique to Thunder Wintergreen White and something I’ve only come across with a very few Swedish Snus Brands. So, what types of drinks would go well with Thunder Wintergreen White Portion, you ask? This proved to be a bit of a challenge for me!
As you all know, I’m a bit of a tea freak so my first inclination was to see which types of tea would go well with Thunder Wintergreen White. Green teas tended to be way too weak in flavor to get past the Wintergreen flavor in the Snus. Black teas on the other hand fared much better due to their stronger tea flavor being able to keep up with the Wintergreen taste.
As for alcoholic drinks, one might think that because this is “mint”, drinks like the Mojito or a Margarita might go pretty well with Thunder Wintergreen White but in my opinion, they really won’t. The Wintergreen flavor in the snus would be almost too powerful. What I think would go well would be stronger flavored beers and straight whiskeys simply because they have a stronger flavor that can overcome some of the strong flavor of Wintergreen.
My overall recommendations for Thunder Wintergreen White portion Snus Lovers is this: if you like the flavor of the original Thunder Wintergreen but want a snus with the same flavor but not as intense, then Thunder Wintergreen White is for you.
For those Snus Lovers who are new to the Thunder portion snus lines or who like extra strong snus but are not all that into the strong flavors that accompany most, will find that Thunder Wintergreen White portion is exactly what the looking for! Thunder White Wintergreen Extra Strong Portion Snus can be found at the SnusCentral Snus Shop, which ships to just about every Snus Lover no matter where they live (accept were prohibited of course) and if your first time customer, just enter the code on the banner below at checkout and receive 10% off your first order! Just be sure to tell Moe, That Snus Guy sent you!
Well Snus lovers, I hope you found this review of Thunder Wintergreen White portion snus informative and fun. Be sure to visit the “Snustopia In Exile” section of the SnusCentral forum to leave any questions, comments or suggestions on snus brands you would like to see reviewed and I will answer them just as soon as I can. So Snus Lovers, as always,
Happy Snusing!
Rob a.k.a. That Snus Guy
Snustopia in Exile
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