Snus Review: General G.3 Slim White Extra Strong Portion Snus
Greetings Snus Lovers!
It’s great to finally be back at the Snustopian Embassy here in the SnusCentral bunker. Although it took some time and a bit of bribery before Moe remembered where he’d put the keys, I’m really looking forward to reviewing all the new Swedish snus brands that have been released during my hiatus.
The first set of snus brands we’ll be taking a look at arrived at the embassy by carrier UNZ meaning that when Moe finally gave me the keys, he handed me a box with a message scribbled on it saying “First”. When I opened the mystery box, a snus brand I’ve never seen before greeted me, or so I thought. That snus brand is General G.3 Extra Strong Slim White portion snus. So, let’s dive right into the review and you’ll see what I mean by “or so I thought”…
General G.3 Extra Strong Slim White Extra Strong (since the name of this snus is so long, I’ll be referring to it as G.3 Slim White) is a new branch of the General Snus tree manufactured by Swedish Match in Sweden. G.3 stands for Generation 3.
While created specifically for the Norwegian over-the-counter snus market, G.3 is also available world-wide at fine internet snus shops.
General G.3 Slim White is classified as an Extra Strong, White type portion snus. For those Snus Lovers who are new to Swedish snus or haven’t read my reviews in awhile, the Extra Strong classification means that the Nicotine content is over 14 mg, the White means that there is no additional water added to the portions before they are packaged and the material retains its white color.
The material that Swedish Match uses in G.3 Slim White is the same soft teabag type material that they use in most of their portion snus and is really comfortable in the upper lip for over 2 hours.
The other aspect that makes the portions pretty comfortable is their shape. Unlike other Swedish Match portion snuses, G.3 Slim White is a longer, thinner porton which sits a bit higher on the gums. I’ve had a portion in for over 2 hours with very little discomfort.
Each can of G.3 Slim White contains 24 portions that have approximately .9 grams of snus each. Even though the portions are thinner and longer, Swedish Match still uses the same amount of snus that they use in most of their snus brands.
The Nicotine content in each portion of G.3 Slim White is approximately 18 mg which makes this particular snus one of the strongest White portions in the Swedish Match portfolio. While the Nicotine is pretty high, the hit is not what you would expect from an Extra Strong snus.
Since being on hiatus, I’ve only used regular strength portion snus, usually between 8 and 12 mg. When I saw that G.3 Slim White was 18 mg, I figured I was going to be in for some major headspins and wooziness. Not so!
While I did feel the Nicotine hit, it wasn’t unmanageable at all and actually quite pleasant. The lasting power is the typical 30 to 45 minutes and overall pretty good. So, now let’s take a look at something else I noticed that has changed since I’ve been away, the can!
I know what your thinking “Snus Guy is going to go OCD about the can again!”. Well, I can honestly say I am going to but not because of the label, because of the can its self!
Since I’ve been away, Swedish Match has made a radical change to the can, specifically the lid. While the “Catch” compartment, or used portion compartment, has always been in the lid of portion snus cans, Swedish Match has made the compartment much bigger to encompass the entire lid. While it doesn’t make the can any larger, it makes the compartment larger to hold either more used portions or, another flavor.
The label is also pretty cool being a white and red label against the black plastic can. G.3 Slim White portion will make quite a conversation piece when placed on a bar, table or just taking it out of your pocket. Ok, now you know what the portions are like, the Nicotine strength, and what the can looks like, so let’s take a look at the flavor!
What does General G.3 Slim White ES taste like?
Many seasoned Snus Lovers have mentioned to me that G.3 Slim White is basically The Lab series 07 and General Slim Extra Strong White in a different can. While there are similarities between the three, G3 Slim White is pretty unique in its taste. When I first opened the can the scent of mild citrus is prominent with a hint of herbal tobacco and pepper. What I taste is pretty different.
Unlike General ES Slim White and The Lab 07, G3 Slim White’s scents do transfer into its flavor albeit lighter and in a different order.
What I taste is a light mix of the leathery, earthy flavors of the tobaccos used in the front while the peppery notes and the slight hint of citrus was in the background. Like I said, the overal flavor is pretty light but it does last. I’ve had a portion in for about an hour and a half until the portions flavor just went flat.
What I didn’t taste in G.3 Slim White was what I tasted in the other two and that is an oatmeal/paper flavor about half way thru the portion. Overall, the flavor of G.3 Slim White is light and fresh with a slight peppery kick. Now, what to drink with G.3 Slim White!
Since most Snus Lovers, including yours truly, like to display their snus cans on the table wherever we go, I thought I’d give you my opinion on what drinks would pair well with G.3 Slim White. With the light flavors in the snus, I found that lighter flavored drinks allow the the flavors in the portion to shine thru.
Drinks like iced Black and Green teas actually help to bring the tobacco flavor out while pilsner and IPA beers tend to highlight the citrus. Drinks like Coffee, Diet Coke and heavier beers like Stouts are much too heavily flavored and tended to completely drowned out the flavors in the snus. While this is what I experienced, feel free to experiment and let me know what you come up with.
My overall opinions on General G.3 Extra Strong Long White portion snus by Swedish Match Snus Lovers is this: if you’re looking for a White portion snus that has very little drip, a strong but smooth Nicotine hit and a light, fresh flavor, then G.3 Extra Strong Long White portion is for you.
New Snus Lovers wanting to venture into the Extra Strong portion snus arena will like the flavor and find the Nicotine manageable. Seasoned Snus Lovers will also like the flavor and the light Nicotine hit as well. While this is my take on G.3 Extra Strong Long White portion snus, I recommend giving it a try and let me know what your thoughts are.
So Snus Lovers, why not give General G.3 Extra Strong Long White portion snus by Swedish Match a try with your next order and let me know what you think? You can get it at Snustopia’s favorite purveyor of Swedish Snus, and if this is your first time ordering, just use the discount code from the banner to the right and receive 10% off your order. Just tell Moe ThatSnusGuy sent you!
Well Snus Lovers, I hope you enjoyed this review of G.3 Extra Strong Long White portion snus by Swedish Match and found it fun and informative. I invite you to visit the “That Snus Guy in Exile” section in the SnusCentral forum and leave any questions, comments or suggestions for a snus you would like to see reviewed.
So, until our next review together,
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy
Reporting from the Snustopian Embassy at
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