Claq Qui portion snus by Röda Lacket – Keep those Strong snus reviews coming!

Claq Qui portion snus by Röda Lacket – Keep those Strong snus reviews coming!

Welcome back fellow snus lovers! Swedish Match - The Largest Snus Manufacturer in the World.

Before I go into the review of Claq Qui, I think it may be best to do a little explaining about the recent reviews on strong snus.

Since about the time I began my journey into Swedish snus there’s been a clamor among snus users for a larger variety of snus with higher nicotine contents. I jumped on the bandwagon as well since there were only 4 brands with Nicotine contents above 11 mg per gram. The only one I liked was Skruf Stark portions which have 14 mg per gram!

In response to all the requests, Swedish Match has answered the call by offering three new, higher Nicotine, “Sterks” and Claq Qui is one of them and, a unique one at that! So, without any further delay or, rambling from me, here’s my take on Röda Lacket Claq Qui!

As you all should know, especially if you have read some of the first reviews, Röda Lacket lös is one of my favorite snus brands. When the rumors began to come out about Swedish Match getting ready to release a Stark portion version in the beginning of November, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it! Now, for those of you that have read the prior reviews, you’ll also know that lös snus is my favorite over portion snus so, for me to be excited over a portion snus is a pretty big deal!

When the first tin finally came, I knew this was going to be a very different and, unique snus. Take a look at the picture to the left and you’ll see what I mean.

When I first saw the tin, the graphics caught my eye. Since I didn’t (and still really don’t) know what exactly “Claq Qui” meant, I figured it was a French saying and, with that, decided that the red splatters were paint and this snus would be an Artisan type of snus. Boy was I wrong!

claq_quiAfter doing a little research, I found that the “Claq Qui” was meant to mean “Fight Club” due to its strength. The red splatters on the can? They’re not exactly meant to represent “paint”.

I know you’re sitting there saying “Snus Guy! Yea, the can is cool and all but we’re not going to taste it! Get on with the snus taste already!”

I know, I know, I did go a bit overboard on the tin but, with this snus; you need to take it all in to get all that Röda Lacket intended it to be! So, on to the snus it’s self.

Claq Qui is a strong,original portion snus that has the classic Röda Lacket flavor of pure tobacco, salt, licorice and a hint of Strawberry but, with a twist. That twist being a pleasant, bitter taste due to the higher Nicotine content.

Just as a side bar, most high Nicotine snus will have some bitterness in the back of the throat as well as a slight burn so; don’t be alarmed, that’s the way it’s supposed to be!

The salt content in Claq Qui is a little higher than the other Starks I’ve tried but, not enough to keep me from using it as an “All Day” snus. If you are a jogger or use snus during work where you are doing strenuous work, keep a bottle of water handy though. I used Claq Qui while helping a family member move in the past and, it did dry my mouth out a bit so, I just thought I’d throw that in.

As I do with most snus reviews, I try to pair snus with drinks. Since I can’t drink alcohol, I’ll give you some non-alcoholic choices. Since Claq Qui is a strong snus, it’s a great “first thing in the morning” snus. A medium strength tea with lemon will go well but, I love it with Southern style sweet tea. The tea seems to bring out the light tobacco taste while masking the bitterness!

Since I’m addicted to Diet Coke, I usually say that “Diet Coke goes well with everything” but not with this. I think the Diet Coke adds to the bitterness of Claq Qui and can make both taste bad, butClaq Quidoes go well with energy drinks, believe it or not! Monster Energy drinks and Claq Qui is a match made in heaven in taste and getting you ready for the day or night!

My overall recommendation for Claq Qui is great! Everyone should try at least one tin of Claq Qui. Know this though: if you have never tried a snus with a 13 mg Nicotine content, be careful. The first couple of portions can make your head spin but, after the first 5 or 6, your body will adjust and you’ll be fine. I say this because some snus lovers have not liked Claq Qui because of this.

If you do experience this, use 1 portion a day until the spin stops. I really hope you’ll try Claq Qui and and form your own opinions. The SnusCENTRAL Snus Store has it here .   I’m sure that, once you try it, it’ll become a favorite as it has for me!


If you visit the SnusCENTRAL Snus Store, and it’s your first time buying from us, you can save 10% at checkout on your order by entering the discount code LV2F8F! Just tell em’ That Snus Guy sent you!

You can also visit your Member Reviews Section and Snus Reviews by Larry Waters and Friends for more reviews. Members can even write their own snus reviews!


Happy Snusing!


That Snus Guy – Visiting Snus Reviewer at

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Previous General Sterk White portion snus, a Strong Snus review!
Next Skruf Releases Skruf Stark and Skruf Original White Portions Early!

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