BLÅGUL Original Portion snus, Surprising flavor, Surprising manufacturer!
Welcome back fellow snus lovers!
Over the past few years or so, it seems like anyone, with some knowledge of snus making in Sweden, can become a a snus manufacturer! Not that this is a bad thing, it’s becoming similar to the way it was before the Tobacco Monopoly was formed back around the turn of the 20th century, we’re beginning to see more artisan type manufacturers, making snus for specific reasons and this is where Blågul original portion snus comes in.
“Blågul Snus Guy? Never heard of it!” I’ve never heard of it as well. In fact, the first time I saw a can of this snus was when Moe Unz showed it to me on the plane back. He had said that “this snus, can only be had in Sweden and is made by a company that makes snus for different soccer teams in the country!”
Now, I’ve heard about Supportersnus and know that Tobacco Company Sweden AB is who makes it but, i’ve never tried their products. While we could sit here and ponder the reasons for why this company decided to make snus for soccer teams, I’m sure you’re more interested in the snus it’s self so, let’s take a closer look at Blågul!
As we’ve already learned, Blågul portion snus is a brand new snus made by Tobacco Company Sweden AB in Sweden. Blågul is classified as an original type portion which, for those new snus lovers, is a portion that gets a few extra drops of water prior to being placed in the can.
This extra wetting helps the flavors in the snus to meld together and allows you to taste the flavors much faster than you would in a white portion. The portions material that is used in BlåGul is the same soft tea bag type material that’s used in all Swedish snus and is pretty comfortable in the lip. I’ve had a portion of Blågul in for over an hour and a half with no discomfort whatsoever.
Each can of Blågul portion snus has 19 portions that are approximately 1 gram each. “Snus Guy, 19 portions? That’s less than most other snus brands!”. Correct Snus Lovers but these are 1 gram portions where others give you say, 24 portions but each one is a little more than .7 grams so, when you get down to it, there’s the same amount of snus in them, just less portions in Blågul. Each portion has approximately 8 mg of Nicotine which is in the higher end of original, standard strength snus but the thing that I like is the can, specifically the label!
Blågul’s label is really not that different from other snus can labels from a manufacturing standpoint. It’s the same industry standard metallic plastic that most snus manufacturers and makes a great seal until you open it. “So Snus Guy, if it’s the same kind of label that the others use, what about it makes you really like it?”.
Great question, the answer is the colors! Blågul uses the national colors of Sweden and the three crowns as the background in the design of the label. It really goes well with the basic black color of the can and makes it pretty unique to the snus world. The can its self is pretty basic, black with the familiar catch compartment but the label really makes the can!
Ok, I know you’re not here to learn about the can but to learn about the flavors so, let’s take a look at the flavor of Blågul portion snus.
As I said in the beginning, Blågul is an original type portion snus and, as we all know, original portion snus’ flavor tends to be pretty intense. So, one would think that whatever the flavors are in Blågul, they would be pretty in-your-face right? Wrong! And not in a bad way either but this is gong to take a bit of explanation.
Ok, the flavors in Blågul are of earthy tobaccos, a slight saltiness blended with a touch of citrus. In the background, there’s a light licorice flavor and I say light because, again, Blågul’s overall flavor is light which is pretty uncommon in an original type portion. It’s another Swedish snus that can trick you once you open the can!
You see, another unique thing about Blågul is that the scent doesn’t really match the actual flavor. Again, this is not a bad thing either!
While Blågul has a licorice flavor, it has a lemony scent coming out of the can. Now, I know what you’re all thinking, and no it’s not like Phantom Blue snus! Although Phantom Blue happens to be on the Number One list in Snustopia, Blågul’s lemony scent is truly of lemons but, in the taste of the snus, it’s barely there!
Yes, Snus Lovers, I know it sounds confusing but, you’ve actually got to experience Blågul for yourselves in order to understand what I mean. To recap the flavor of Blågul portion snus, it a lightly flavored, Original portion snus with the tastes of earthy tobaccos, a touch of salt and licorice and a hint of lemon.
Blågul’s flavor, albeit light, does have some lasting power! I’ve had a portion in for over an hour and a half before the flavors just seemed to fade out. No bitterness, no abrupt end of flavor just a slow fade out.
For a snus manufacturer that seems to be pretty new to the snus making game, Blågul Original portion snus is pretty surprising in a good way but, that’s for you all to decide! So, what drinks could go well with Blågul, this may surprise you as we’ll!
The obvious, non alcoholic beverage of choice would have to be Earl Grey tea in either iced or hot form. The Bergamot in the Earl Grey helps to bring out the citrus in the snus but does dull the licorice flavor. English or Irish breakfast teas though, go pretty well, with Blågul and bring out the licorice flavor while dulling down the citrus.
It depends on which flavor you don’t want to be in the front as to which tea to go for but on an alcoholic beverage choice, Wheat beer is, from what I hear, outstanding with BlåGul!
And it actually makes sense really, citrus really does seem to go well with Weiss Biers and from what I can gather from some Phantom Blue fans, goes well with snus brands that have a citrus flavor.Blågul‘s flavor seems to take this a step further with its licorice background flavor to create an interesting flavor combo.
Since I don’t drink alcoholic beverages, I’m going to have to take the opinion of some fellow snus lovers on this one but from a culinary standpoint, this makes perfect sense but, I will also leave this one up to you all as well.
My overall opinion of Blågul Original portion snus, Snus Lovers, is this; Those new to Swedish snus who would like to try a popular snus flavor in Sweden but really don’t care for the taste of black licorice, Blågul is the snus for you.
Seasoned snus lovers will like Blågul simply for it’s conversational appeal, light flavors and medium nicotine content. While these are my opinions, I encourage you to try it and let me know what you think.
Blågul Original portion can be found at the SnusCentral Snus Shop and Moe Unz has assured me that there are plenty of cans to go around! If your a first time customer with Moe, be sure to enter the code off the banner at the bottom of this review and receive 10% off your entire first order! Just tell Moe that That Snus Guy sent you!
Well Snus Lovers, I hope you found this review of Blågul Original portion snus informative and fun. Please be sure to visit the “Snustopia in Exile” section of the forum to leave me any questions, comments or concerns you may have and I’ll answer them as soon as I can! So, until our next review Snus Lovers, As always….
Happy Snusing!
That Snus Guy
Reporting from the Snustopian Embassy at
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