American Smokeless Tobacco – Discreet Snus

American Smokeless Tobacco – Discreet Snus

Discreet Snus by American Smokeless Tobacco

American Smokeless Tobacco offers a unique snus called Discreet.  Discreet is pasteurized and owns their own pasteurization equipment.  They also grow their own tobacco.  Discreet come as .5 gram mini-portions and are available in five flavors:  Wintergreen, Cool Mint, Full Flavor, Peach, and Strawberry.

All Discreet Snus’s are made to Food Quality Standards, as the company, seeing future FDA regulation requiring this,  decided why wait?  Each portion of Discreet has a TSNA level of 2.8mg/g as well.  This is well within GothiaTek limits for TSNA’s but Discreet Snus is a little higher than some others because of the quality of the tobacco they use.

Discreet Snus comes uniquly packaged in a re-sealable zip-lock pouch; each containing 10 portions.  Designed as a “when you can’t smoke, snus” product, the pouch makes it easier to carry both cigarettes and snus.  The intensity of taste and aroma is aimed squarely at the potential American consumer intentionally.

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