The PACT Act and the Weinergate Legacy
It’s just under 100 days since Anthony Weiner accidentally posted a photo of his penis to his public Twitter account. In the ensuing scandal of lies, attempted cover-ups and general sleaziness that followed, Weiner was forced to resign from Congress and was exposed as the typical crooked politician that he is.
But far from blasting him to pieces for his debauchery and corrupt political career, we wish to thank Anthony Weiner for proving what we’ve been saying all along.
See, we have always contended that the people behind the PACT Act were some of the most corrupt, vile, and downright sickening politicians in a sea of corrupt, vile, and sickening politicians. Instead of rushing to prove us wrong, Weiner popped up and bared his sleaziness for all of the world to see.
We don’t really care about his Weiner pics on twitter, or all of the indiscriminate affairs he coordinated in his private life. No, we care about all of the illegal things he did while serving as a Representative to the state of New York. But it seems that only crazy “fringe” journalists like ourselves care about such trivialities. It takes naked dong pics to get the rest of the world interested in a politician’s back pages. And once they started digging, they were shocked by some of the antics that we’ve been discussing for years. Antics that nobody wanted to hear about from us crazy tobacco bloggers.
Aside from all the state and federal crimes Weiner committed by lying and trying to cover up the penis pic scandal, he’s had a long and illustrious career in deceiving the public for his own gain. Weiner, the bleeding heart liberal who “loves” black people, began his career by distributing anonymous race-baiting cards that identified his opponents with black politicians that were strongly disliked by his predominately Jewish constituency. Hot off the heels of the 1991 Crown Heights race riot, the move was viewed by both democrats and republicans as a particularly cunning use of racist propaganda in order to sway votes. The tactic paid off, making Weiner the youngest councilman in the history of New York City.
After being appointed to Congress, he made a name for himself by allegedly bullying his staff members and coming to blows with several of his employees. His childish behavior was also displayed in his repeated temper tantrums and profanity-laden diatribes against fellow Congressmen while on the floor.
A 2001 Vanity Fair piece, which chronicled the post-9/11 conduct of New England’s Democrat party, portrayed Weiner and his cronies as ghoulish predators who spend their days getting drunk and banging interns. Weiner is even portrayed as being late to a Ground Zero walk-through with President Bush because he is too busy trying to get an intern to meet him in his office, ostensibly for a sexual liaison. The article is thought to have cost Weiner his 2005 mayoral bid.
During this same period, Weiner illegally took donations from special interests groups and then lied about it. When faced with irrefutable evidence that he’d accepted campaign funds from foreign citizens (a felony), he first denied the allegation. He then claimed that he had received such funds, but never deposited the checks. When presented with the canceled checks, Weiner refunded the money and pretended that he had done nothing wrong.
Let’s not forget the PACT ACT…..
But perhaps his biggest crime was committed when he sponsored the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act (PACT Act). Rep. Weiner banged his chest loudly, proclaiming that his goal was to save the children from mail-order tobacco sales. A little less loudly, he also grudgingly admitted that it was an effort to reclaim millions of dollars of lost tax revenue to New York state, whose outrageous tobacco taxes force most of its citizens to explore alternative, grey-area tobacco vendors.
One thing that Weiner, along with more than half of the bill’s co-sponsors, forgot to mention was that they had all received monetary “donations” from John Catsimatidis, the billionaire pezzonovante with ties to Big Tobacco. Catsimatidis has dedicated millions of dollars toward stopping the Seneca Nation from selling tax-free cigarettes, in flagrant violation of decades-old tribal treaty laws. When the PACT Act was brought to the table, Catsimatidis saw the perfect opportunity to wipe out tribal tobacco commerce not only in his home state, but nationwide as well; arguably the biggest insult to American Indians since the United States waged a systematic war of genocide upon them.
Weiner, along with all of his two-faced tools of peddled influence in the government, stood straight-faced in front of America and told lie after lie after gross exaggeration in an effort to ban mail delivery of tobacco and enact forced taxation. When Obama signed the bill into law, enemies of truth and freedom won a major battle. Honest Americans are now left to pick up the pieces, while Big Tobacco and Big Government reap the profits.
So, who’s going to be the next PACT sponsor to come out of the sleaze closet? Good question. Will Henry Waxman get caught beating his wife? Will nude photos of Herbert Kohl making out with Mike McIntyre at a bisexual bridal shower surface? Only time will tell.
RW Hubbard
Watching the Watchmen