The General’s Club by General Snus Coming in June

The SnusCIA has learned that Swedish Match will be launching “The General’s Club” for General Snus users and fans. The General’s Club will not be launched until 18 Jun 2010. Despite this, the link in the below letter will allow interest snusers to sign up now and jump to the head of the line once the Club is opened.

The letter describes some of the perks to being a General’s Club Member but the program is still evolving and will not be finalized before the 18 Jun launch. Our normal sources at General Snus are not talking and even our own Larry Waters has responded “no comment” to our requests for details. Very odd, that.

Introducing the General's Club
The General's Club by General Snus Coming in June
Good news.

You’ve been chosen to enjoy an exclusive preview of The General’s Club
– an incredible new members-only experience from General Snus.

Membership offers its share of benefits, including:

The General's Club by General Snus Coming in JuneWeekly offerings on luxury goods and experiences at
members-only prices
The General's Club by General Snus Coming in JuneVIP event invitations
The General's Club by General Snus Coming in JuneInsider access and exclusive perks

Become a member, and we’ll get you started with a complimentary membership kit, featuring a premium leather notebook and
General Snus coupons.

So, get going – take command and explore all of the benefits
The General’s Club has to offer.

The General's Club by General Snus Coming in June
 Join the General's Club  
Introducing the General's Club
WARNING:  This product can cause mouth cancer.

The General's Club by General Snus Coming in June


NOTE:  Swedish Match/General Snus has to include the above warning label by order of the FDA. In the opinion of strictly, it is inaccurate, misleading and a part of the US/EU/Big Tobacco/Big Pharmaceutical  conspiracy to ensure nicotine addicts will continue to sicken and die before their time by smoking obscenely profitable and taxable cigarettes.  Swedish Match has absolutely nothing to do with this statement or our opinion.  Last time we looked, the First Amendment to the US Constitution is still in effect.  We apologize to any of their lawyers who experienced heart attacks while reading this.

Previous Tobacco, Restaurants and Donuts: Be in Touch With Your Consumer
Next Tobacco Harm Merges with Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA)

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