SnusCIA Brief: Is RJ Reynolds up to something….
FROM: SnusCENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY * Intelligence Briefing for 26 March 2009 *
CATEGORY: Confirmed Intel but we have no idea what it means
RJ Reynolds up to something………
Four very odd pieces of intelligence re: RJ Reynolds in the past 10 days:
1. RJ Reynolds traditionally visits on a regular basis. However, there were four consecutive days within the last days (can’t be more exact than that: its a secret!), RJ Reynolds Internet servers located in Tobaccoville, Fayetteville, and Winston-Salem registered activity on over 30 times each day.
2. Our counter-parts in Snustopia confirm they received numerous hits over the same four day period.
3. On 26 March 2008, Convenience Store News carried a headline article entitled “Camel Snus goes National”. Upon reading, we discovered this was the identical article released months ago. It spoke of Reynolds time-table for Camel SNUS in January and February. We reconfirmed and the story was in the 26 March edition.
4. When we checked Convenience Store News again 7 hours later, the Camel article had vanished.
We have no idea what the heck any of the above means. It must mean something, but we haven’t figured it out yet. We will…we just hope before its too late. Has anyone seen Jack Bauer?
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