Site and Snus Forum Status
On 5 September 2013, was attacked by what are believed to be A nti-Snus Extremists. These snus terrorists were beaten back but not before doing some damage; especially to our Snus Forum. Mr. Web Developer is working tirelessly to bring us an even BETTER and our beloved Snus Forum. Keep checking back here for updates.
ONLY has been affected. The Snus Shop, SnusCentral YouTube, and are all hosted by different companies and were not involved.
Latest Status of and the SnusCENTRAL Snus Forum
UPDATE 12/19: At long last, the New and Improved is Live!
UPDATE 10 Dec: We’re almost ready! Help us test the NEW and be entered to Win FREE SNUS.
UPDATE 28 Oct: Almost ready to go live with new and updated version of and our Snus Forum! In the meantime, the current and Snus Forum are live and stable.
As previously mentioned, we have not been allowed to add any new content since the database version for the new has already been copied and sent to the dry cleaners.
As soon as the new and improved site is up and running, we will remove Larry from the induced coma state we were forced to put him in and new content will be flowing!
Mr. Web Developer is cautious when giving time estimates which is a good thing. This project has been a major and unexpected undertaking.
Assuming the zombie apocolypse doesn’t interfere, his hope is to have the new completed by November 1st. Your SnusCentral Member Services Team will then perform QC testing and are shooting for going live next week. Fingers are crossed and Moe Unz at Snus Store has already started his pre-start drinking binge.
Fear not, Moe does NOT have access to the administration section or server. Otherwise, we would add an extra month to our estimate to allow for him spilling beer on the server and wiping out the site.
Never one to ignore a good excuse for a party, our friend Moe is planning a Snus Sale Celebration at the Snus eStore to welcome the new More on that once he begins his Site Launch Drinking Binge.
Think good thoughts and we’ll be back bigger and better than ever, complete with that ‘new site smell’! Until then, enjoy the current and Forum. Most importantly, enjoy your snus!
UPDATE 11 Oct: Work continues on the new site. Freeze on adding new content to the existing site as of 8 Oct. Anything added after that time (including these updates) won’t show up on the new site. Waiting on a comprehensive project update. Mr. Admin getting a little frustrated. Good thing Larry is leaving for the NACS show in Atlanta as he is driving Mr. Admin crazy.
UPDATE 7 Oct: Evil code and malware removed from Database recovered; appears to be no missing data! Removing evil code from databases and restoring site functionality. Currently, Forum unavailable but the rest of is usable. New website and forum under construction! Project missing time projections by about one week due to unexpected issues. Mr. Admin is very pleased, none the less!
UPDATE 17 Sep: Mr. Lawyer is happy with the contract and the statement of work has been agreed to. Larry is selling his freezer stock snus on Craig’s List to pay for all this. Work has begun!
UPDATE 13 Sep.: Re-build/upgrade plan for the Forum and the rest of this site coming together. Another update Monday or Tuesday.
10 September: It turns out was attacked last week. We were finally able to bring up the main site but the forum and Member login/functions were trashed.
We hired a new web development company earlier this week. We will have the final proposal soon and if acceptable, this firm will begin construction of an entirely new and updated
We don’t know for sure yet, but it looks like the forum and other databases are intact. We are hopeful of having the new site live in a matter of weeks (NOT months). Until then, excepting the Forum and Member functions, .org is accessible.
As an interesting side note, SnusOn was also attacked about the same time was. We don’t know their current status beyond saying that their forum site is still off-line.
Chad and Nash have been ruled out as suspects so far. The SnusCIA is looking at FDA, the EU Commission, or Anti-Snus Extremists to start with.
As we can’t use the Forum, we will post updates as they become available here, on Facebook and via email to our newsletter subscribers.
ONLY has been affected. The Snus Shop, SnusCentral YouTube, and are all hosted by different companies and were not involved.
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