Parliament Swedish Snus is Here…sort of

Parliament Swedish Snus is Here…sort of

According to SnusCIA sources, Parliament Snus from Philip Morris International (PMI) is coming to a store near you; if you live in Russia that is.

There are two varieties of Parliament Snus:  Mint Creation and Intense Creation.  While Mint Creation is fairly self-explanatory, we’re not sure what the flavor profile for Parliament Intense Creation Snus is exactly.  Aside from some articles on sexual aids, SnusCIA researchers have been unable pinpoint what Intense Creation would taste like.  It is also possible that the name could be the Russian equivalent of Strong/Stark/Sterk indicating a high nicotine snus.

Parliament is a strong brand name for PMI in Russia, the Ukraine, Turkey and Korea as a cigarette.  Will the Parliament brand name translate into a high volume Swedish snus product in the Russian market?  Is there a Swedish snus market in Russia or is PMI trying to create it with Parliament Snus?

Is Swedish Match making Parliament Swedish Snus for PMI?  Will we ever know what Parliament Intense Creation Snus tastes like?

More to come………….

Parliament Mint Creation Snus and Intense Creation Snus by PMI








Covertly yours,

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Telling you stuff we know and others don’t

Related Article: Philip Morris, Swedish Snus, and the Parliament brand in Russia

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Next Philip Morris, Swedish Snus, and the Parliament brand in Russia

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