Nick and Johnny BLACK Portion Snus – First Look!

Nick and Johnny BLACK Portion Snus – First Look!

EXCLUSIVE:  First Look and Taste of Nick and Johnny BLACK Portion Strong Snus!

Approximately one month ago, our SnusCIA agent in Kungälv, Sweden sent an urgent text:  ‘Watch the Mail!’  She has not been heard from since.

A few days later, a simple padded envelope with no return address but postmarked Kungälv arrived at SnusCIA Headquarters.  After x-rays, bomb-sniffing dogs, and a little impatience, the envelope was torn open.  It contained a single can of snus: Nick and Johnny BLACK Portion.

Our new SnusCIA Agent in Kungälv confirmed tonight that Nick and Johnny Black Portion Snus was a real Swedish Match product.  It is a Strong Snus and will be introduced in the fall of 2009.

Nick and Johnny Black Strong Portion Snus will be available at the Snus StoreHere are the only known pictures of NICK AND JOHNNY BLACK.  Unfortunately, we made the tactical miscalculation of not telling Larry Waters it had arrived until we had confirmed the snus was legitimate.  When we opened the can for the initial security inspection, there were 24 Black Portions arranged in the Swedish Match Star Formation.

Somehow, between that inspection and tonight as this picture shows, 23 of the 24 portions have gone missing.  SnusCIA is conducting an intense investigation and Larry is REALLY Nick and Johnny Black - the final portionnot very happy right now.

Larry’s trial of the final portion and ‘anonymous’ sources being water-boarded at the SnusCENTRAL Command Bunker confirmed it is an excellent snus which Nick and Johnny fans will love.  Ettan lovers should try Nick and Johnny Black too.

Mouth feel is excellent as with all the Black Portions to date…more comfortable and less burn than Nick and Johnny Original Strong Portion.

The taste is classic Nick and Johnny:  a good, healthy tobacco taste blending with a cigar smokiness and licorice notes giving it just a hint of sweetness.  No citrus; no bergamot.  A tad saltier at first than expected, but with great peppery notes that don’t kick in for about 15 minutes.   Larry wanted to compare it directly with Nick and Johnny Strong Portion but (another mystery) his emergency stash of Nick and Johnny Original Strong Portion was……missing.  He is really not very happy today.

The flavor lasted well over an hour and remained strong until the end.  We do not know the exact nicotine level yet but do know it is a Stark / Strong snus meaning more nicotine than a Regular Swedish portion snus.  We are estimating 12-13 mg/g.  That’s just a guess though because the lab needed six portions to run tests…and, you know.

Since Swedish Match is still on vacation (Sweden itself is on holiday), our new SnusCIA Agent in Place will attempt to infiltrate the Swedish Match Factory and obtain both Nick and Johnny Black Portion Snus and Nick and Johnny Original Strong Portion Snus so Larry can actually write a real review  (Larry is now what we in the intelligence world called “very pissed”.)

Nick and Johnny Black has great graphics on the canMore information and Nick and Johnny Black coming soon…………at least it better, or heads will roll at SnusCENTRAL!

Confidentially yours,

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Fighting the Secret War to protect your Snus





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