General G.3 Snus to replace General Long Extra Strong Portion Snus
STOCKHOLM: Swedish Match AB is discontinuing production of General Long Extra Strong Portion Snus and General Long White Portion Extra Strong Snus; this according to a SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency (SnusCIA) asset in Stockholm.
Both are being replaced with General G.3 Slim Extra Strong Portion Snus and General G.3 Slim White ES portion. The G.3 snuses will be sold over the counter in Norway and via internet snus stores like the famous Snus Shop.
Unconfirmed reports indicate the G.3 snus products could be NatraFibe versions of their predecessors. NutraFibe is a plant based additive to the snus which makes the portions more comfortable in the mouth. The story of NatraFibe can be found in this exclusive investigative article by Mick Hellwig; NatuFibe by Swedish Match; Snus Boon or Snake Oil?
Whether or not NatuFibe is added to the snus, the G.3 products should taste the same as the previous General Long ES and Long White ES. The nicotine content will also remain the same.
This continues an interesting trend by Swedish Match in 2014 of issuing current snus products under new names and in new cans. Two recent examples of this are Grov Voltage Portion Snus (Grovsnus Portion) and General RIO Edition White Portion (General White Portion) Both were released as ‘special editions’ presumedly for snus can collectors.
In the case of General G.3, this seems to be a phase-out of the Long Portion snus designation in favor of the more universal Slim Portion classification.
Some pictures of G.3 focus group cans from Norway have appeared of late but these do not by any means represent the final can graphics. The final G.3 can graphics and products are expected in the near future.
Moe Unz, Swedish snus legend and Manager of the Snus Shop told the SnusCIA that the sku’s and product descriptions are already loaded into the catalog. They will be activated as soon as the graphics are available and the product has been received.
Swedish Snus Ambassador to the United States Larry Waters is being recalled to Sweden in September. He plans to report back on General G.3 plus the other really new snus releases expected through the rest of 2014. Word has it that he will also be travelling to Lidköping to collect the money Moe Unz owes him from his last trip.
Covertly yours,
The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Telling you stuff we know and others don’t
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