The Mystery Company behind the All White Snus Revolution

More All White Nicotine Pouches Coming

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency (SnusCIA) has intercepted communications indicating new strategic collaborations in the All White Snus arena.

The Art Factory AB has entered into a co-manufacturing collaboration with the South Swedish company Nicachet AB.  The Art Factory AB will jointly with Magle AB perform R&D Development of the Nicachet Patent portfolio.

Nicachet has developed a patented “All White” product.

The Art Factory AB will manufacture the Nicahet brand for the United States; certified before the FDA grandfather status ends August 8th -16.

Further, the SnusCIA has understood that Kottepalm AB and Nicachet have entered into co-ownership with regards to the both compan’s Intellectual Property and Patents.

Together the company will have a strong Patent Portfolio in USA and rest of the world.

Who is the Art Factory AB?

Art Factory AB is the silent player who has had a hand in designing and licensing most non-tobacco oral use products for at least 20 years.  They are best known for Nicorette Gum, an early smoking cessation product.  As well as nicotine gum, Art Factory moved into chewing tobacco all white products and all white snus.

With the exception of British American Tobacco’s EPOK and LYFT all white brands (we think), it appears Art Factory or one of its spin-off entities was somehow involved in the rest of the all white products available since 1999.

Confused yet?  So are we.  This is Part 2 in our series on All White nicotine products.  We’ll publish Part 3 once we can untangle more of the all white products web.

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Telling you stuff we know and others don’t

Previous All-White Snus in the US
Next Why did BAT kill the EPOK brand for LYFT?

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