AG Snus: Thorkild Knudsen Out

Georg Gundersen of AG Snus Aktieselskab of Assens, Denmark today confirmed the restructuring of their Sales and Marketing Department.  Export Manager Thorkild Knudsen is no longer associated with AG Snus.

Alex Gundersen has taken over Sales and Marketing for all markets except the Faroe Islands and Greenland.  Anne Marie Nielsen will be responsible for those.

AG Snus, a subsidiary of  Assens Tobaksfabrik, is a new Danish manufacturer of Swedish-style snus.  Their current products are Jägarpris portion snus and Blue Ocean white portion snus; both released in January of 2011.

Assens Tobaksfabrik was established in 1864, according to their corporate history.  In 1990, Assens Tobaksfabrik merged with Scandinavian Tobacco Company’s smoking tobacco division to form Orlik Tobacco Company, which in the 2000’s became the world’s largest pipe tobacco manufacturer, but snus was still part of the product portfolio.

In 2004, Orlik Tobacco Company and Scandinavian Tobacco Company entered the Swedish snus market together and established Fiedler & Lundgren. The new venture was successful and acquired a considerable market share within a 4 year period.

In 2008, Scandinavian Tobacco Company sold its cigarettes and snus (F&L) to BAT, which led to the sale of Assens Tobaksfabrik’s owner shares in Orlik Tobacco Company to Scandinavian Tobacco Company. Thorkild Knudsen was formerly Senior Vice President at Orlik Tobacco Company.  

In 2009, Alex Gundersen took over the management of Assens Tobaksfabrik, becoming the 5th generation of the Gundersen family to do so.

Covertly yours,

The SnusCENTRAL Intelligence Agency
Telling you stuff we know and others don’t

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