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Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall – The UK NHS Supports Tobacco Harm Reduction

EDITOR’s NOTE:  Bill Godshall checked in with some (amazingly) positive news on  Reduced Harm Tobacco as a way to cut cigarette smoking.  If only the rest of the EU would

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

404_Where did it go

Bad karma: we can’t find that page! You asked for {%sh404SEF_404_URL%}, but despite our computers looking very hard, we could not find it. What happened ? the link you clicked

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall Attacks Anti-All-Tobacco Zealots on WIBA

Vicki McKenna of WIBA interviewed Bill Godshall of Smokefree Pennsylvania on November 15th 2010.  Bill does not hold back in blasting Big Pharma, FDA, tobacco ban advocates, and their fellow