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Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall Responds to FDA on Tobacco Regulations

Bill Godshall of Smokefree Pennsylvania to FDA Tobacco Czar Lawrence Deyton There are just days remaining (December 28 is the deadline) to submit public comments to the US FDA on tobacco regulations.  

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Skruf Snus Launches Xtra Stark snus in Sweden

Stockholm – The Swedish snus challenger Skruf Snus AB increases its range with the launch of Skruf Xtra Stark portion in Sweden. The snus – that is the strongest amongst

Op Ed & Guest Columnists

Bill Godshall – The UK NHS Supports Tobacco Harm Reduction

EDITOR’s NOTE:  Bill Godshall checked in with some (amazingly) positive news on  Reduced Harm Tobacco as a way to cut cigarette smoking.  If only the rest of the EU would